V učiteljskem kolektivu ene izmed mariborskih šol se začnejo vrstiti nesreče z smrtnimi izidi.
Med vračanjem s seminarja na Pohorju se z avtom ponesrečijo tri članice šolskega kolektiva. Stvari se začnejo zapletati, ko se izkaže, da nesreča, v kateri je ena izmed njih izgubila življenje, mogoče sploh ni bila nesreča. Kmalu v bližine šole umre še ena članica šolskega kolektiva, domnevno zaradi brutalnega ropa. Po pogovoru z mladim prestopnikom pa se izkaže, da njena smrt ni posledica ropa. Inšpektor Vrenko je vse bolj prepričan, da nič ni tako, kot se zdi in da je na delu morilec.
In the teaching collective of one of Maribor's schools, fatal accidents begin. During the return from the seminar on Pohorje, three members of the school collective crash by car. Things start to get complicated when it turns out that an accident in which one of them lost her life may not have been an accident at all. Soon after, another member of the school's collective, allegedly, died in a brutal robbery. But after talking to a young offender, it turns out that her death was not the result of robbery. Inspector Vrenk is increasingly convinced that nothing is what it seems and that there is a killer at work.