V elitni mariborski soseski čistilka najde okrvavljeno truplo uglednega zdravnika.
Čeprav sledi kažejo na samomor, peščica nelogičnih detajlov postane zadosten razlog, da inšpektor Vrenko odpre preiskavo. Izkaže se, da hladna in sterilna ni le soseska, hladni in nedostopni so tudi njeni stanovalci. Po prvih pogovorih se Vrenko ne more otresti občutka, da vsi sogovorniki nekaj prikrivajo in hkrati vsak opreza za vsakim.
In an elite Maribor neighborhood, a cleaning lady finds the bloodied body of a prominent doctor.
Although traces point to a suicide, a handful of illogical details become reason enough for Inspector Vrenko to open an investigation. It turns out that not only the neighborhood is cold and sterile, also its residents are cold and inaccessible. After the first conversations, Vrenko can't shake the feeling that all the interlocutors are hiding something and at the same time everyone is watching out for everyone.