Following his arrest, a badly beaten Terrence O’Duncie is brought into the station. With Gibbs on the hook for his attack, Bradfield asks Jane to make a decision with huge repercussions for her future.
The case escalates when Eddie Philips’ body is discovered in the canal, and Bradfield suspects they’re looking at a double murder. He questions O’Duncie about his connections with Eddie and Julie Ann, but his progress is halted when O’Duncie’s solicitor files an official complaint against Gibbs.
Meanwhile, Clifford Bentley and his sons start digging from the café to the bank, but they risk getting caught when David fails to notice the police presence outside as he’s high. Silas manages to reassure the police that they’re carrying out refurbishments but Clifford and John confront David about his worsening drug habit and unreliability.
Avec la réapparition d'Eddie Phillips, l'enquête prend un virage inattendu. La relation entre Jane et Bradfield se renforce mais la jeune femme doit prendre une décision qui peut affecter toute sa carrière.
La investigación sufre un giro inesperado cuando aparece el cádaver de Eddie Philips, novio de Julie Ann. Su relación con Bradfield obliga a Tennison a tomar una decisión que puede afectar para siempre a su carrera en el cuerpo.
El oficial Gibbs intenta rebajar las tensiones tras su paliza al sospechoso Terrence O'Duncie, pero no es suficiente. Ahora, la brigada anti-corrupción está vigilando a todo el equipo del detective Bradfield.
Fallet tar en dramatisk vändning när Eddie Philips döda kropp hittas i kanalen, och Bradfield misstänker att det hela rör sig om ett dubbelmord.