The gangs first series of serious dilemmas! There's a printer strike and they are forced to have to write the following weeks edition as well, and in only a few hours. Is it possible to write the news before anything actually happens? Sarah is needed back in the office, urgently and Colin gets himself into a tricky financial situation with a photo he hasn't got.
The gang get suspicious when a moody Lynda makes everyone stay behind to work late, and of course nobody wants to. As for Colin he has a very important meeting with the towns richest man, or does he? The excuses go flying as the gang work out what is really wrong with Lynda and why Spike is acting up.
A Ghost Writer turns up at the office, producing written articles and television reviews. Who is he? Lynda and Spike work together after Colin comes up with a lead.The gang also enter a competition to win a computor and printer set. Something they desperately need. Colin comes up with an incredible brainwave.
Kenny continues to pursue the girl in order to solve the mystery, but Lynda needs him back at the Junior Gazette. She is eventually forced to take on Spike as her assistant for the day much to her un-delight. Kenny's mystery provokes the teams biggest under cover operation campaign yet, just what is going on?
School, life, The Junior Gazette it all seems to be going perfect, everythings going the way you want it to. Then something happens and the next day getting out of bed is the worst thing you could have done. Are Lynda, Spike, Kenny, Tiddler caught in some weird surreal dream or is life really like this?!
The local leisure complex is being threatened with closure and The Junior Gazette come up with a great campaign to save it, or so they originally thought. The facts are wrong and the team are forced to write another edition of the paper. Much to Lynda's delight as she uses her own initiative to back the council into a corner. Does she succeed in getting the whole story and revealing the true facts.
Kenny keeps getting a mis-routed line when phoning his aunt in Glasgow and strikes up a friendship with a girl in Dublin. Raymond Adams (Atlay Lawrence), a local amateur actor that Sam fancies, sets his sights on a nervous Sarah, who is about to publish her scathing review of his performance in An Inspector Calls. Matt Kerr has decided that Lynda should go with Spike to an important cocktail party hosted by the owner of the newspaper.
A young girl called Cindy makes trouble for Colin, yet she seems to like Colin and his crazy ideas. But she never wants to go home and shies away from being touched. What is her secret? Meanwhile, Lynda and Spike are going to extreme lengths to hide their relationship from the newsteam, when all at the Junior Gazette are aware of their relationship. Tiddler even re-names her 'productive' pair of rabbits, Henry and George, Lynda and Spike.
A pop star has been stranded at the train station and Lynda knows that it would make front page news at The Junior Gazette. Her only chance is to ask Sarah, but Sarah isn't feeling to good about herself. Lynda's desperate for the scoop and goes to lengthly measures to make sure it happens. Leaving poor Sarah questioning herself emotionally.
The paper swings into action for coverage when they hear that a local record store has been brought down by a huge explosion. The staff all go flat out for coverage... but where's Spike? Actually, he's buried under the rubble, listening to the voice of an injured girl it turns out he knows but has never really noticed...
The future of the Junior Gazette is uncertain. As the staffers on the paper are finishing school, the owners want to turn the paper over the the next lot of kids. The Junior Gazette was meant to be a school newspaper, but Lynda and Kenny want to run the paper commercially, employing any staff that wish to remain. They draw up a proposal and submit this to the paper's owners. Colin has groomed Kenny for rock stardom, but his big concert is the same night as the proposal. Spike expresses his feelings for Lynda, but does Lynda feel the same way for Spike? Can she bring herself to say those three little words that Spike wants to hear? Spike threatens to go back to America - but can Lynda decide between Spike and her paper?
The Junior Gazette is now a fully fledged commercial business. Sam has gone and so has Spike, who has returned to America. Lynda is having obvious problems coping with him not being there. By chance an invesitgation into the corruptional dealings with the local council leads to a chain reation and a surprise visit from Spike... and a mystery girl.
The newsroom starts to receive mysterious, threatening phone calls from someone who claims to have attacked a local shopkeeper. The gang reckon they're on to a seriously big storyline, or so they think. Meanwhile Lynda has stolen Spike's passport in order to stop him from returning to America, for good.
Frazz has been given the opportunity to write an article on his favourite show Colonel X, which was cancelled due to Colonel X's alter ego John England being killed in a car crash. But Frazz is mugged and hit on the head. Fantasy becomes reality when he starts seeing X, but not just him the others as well. Is the truth really out there or are they all going mad. Lynda needs help to get out of a situation involving a date. Is Spike willing to assist her or not? This is one hilarious episode.
In a parody of Stakeout, Colin goes undercover as a hotel workman so that Frazz can photograph actor John Hartwood through the window. Protective of his privacy, Hartwood tries to get his minder to make him leave. However, he is still in the room when the actor's girlfriend, Judy Wellman, who Colin had dated in "Chance is a Fine Thing", turns up. A lady called Katherine Hill visits Lynda in the newsroom, and they realise that they share many mannerisms.
While sleeping in the newsroom, Mr Sullivan appears as Lynda's guardian angel. In the style of It's a Wonderful Life, he takes her on a journey into the future to see what becomes of some of the major characters when she is not around. Sarah is a war correspondent, Frazz a radio agony uncle, and Julie has taken over as editor.
Having lied to Spike about her whereabouts, Lynda becomes accidently trapped in an airtight storage vault in the Slattenheim building where she was meeting John Crawford, her source on a story she was writing. Her mobile phone is damaged, and as a result, she can make calls but those who she calls cannot hear her. In her attempts to reach Spike so he can save her before she suffocates, she comes up with an ingenious Lynda-esque strategy for helping Spike and the Gazette team locate her. But will her plan work? Will they reach her in time?
The subject of a breaking news story, Phillipa Prescott, is one of Spike's old girlfriends. He takes her to dinner at a restaurant to try to get information from her. The team bug their table, but jealous Lynda insists on being their waitress. Colin and Julie have a heart-to-heart, in which she agrees to go out on a date with him.