After an emotionally devastating end to his summer holidays, Prem returns to school for the new year as he suffers through the aftermath of his parent's divorce and the tragic passing of his grandmother.
Prem and Will's new friendship progresses as Will tries to convince him to come along that evening to an over 18s club night DJ'd by a school bully's older brother.
There are high tensions at school as controversial material circulates online whilst Prem and Will attempt to deal with pressing matters.
Will brings Prem a special birthday present for them both to share. The hallucinatory effects of the gift come to life in this psychedelic episode where subconscious feelings are examined in auditory and visually stimulating fashion.
Prem prepares for a date as he tries to shake off the nerves and pressures of what to do whilst drifting in and out of his own surreal thoughts.
Prem and Will's friendship is tested by a shocking discovery related to a recent incident at school where tensions boil during the day of their mock exams.