With Sun salutations A & B
With Utkatasana, Warrior III, Natarajasana, Garudasana and others
With Baddha Konasana, Pigeon/Kapottasana, Double Pigeon and others
With Ustrasana, Charlie Chaplin-asana, Fish/Matsyasana and others
With Vinyasa, Warrior I, Warrior II, Ardha Chandrasana and others
With Vyagrasana, Trikonasana, and others
With Vinyasa to plank, Chaturanga, Vasisthasana, and others
With Upavishta Konasana, Ashtanga and Trikonasana
With Ustrasana, Vinyasa to Sphinx, Cobra, Chakrasana, and others
With Baddha Konasana, Supta Baddha Konasana, Pigeon, Vrkshasana, and others
With Plank, Supta Tadasana, Navasana, and others
With Warrior I & II, Vinyasa to Down Dog, and Toe grasp with Padangusthasana
With Marichyasana C, Crescent / Anjanyasana, Jathara Parivartanasana, and others
With Sun salutation A, Sun salutation B, Warrior I, Triangle/ Trikonasana, and others
With Navasana, Vyagrasana, Ashtanga, Eagle/ Garudasana, and others
With Sun salutation A, Sun salutation B, Vinyasa to down dog, Pigeon, and others
Forward fold; raised runner's lunge; crescent.
Forward fold; revolved triangle; Shalabasana.
Sun Salutation A; Sun Salutation B; variations holding and with legs.
Parsvokonasana Warrior I, II and II with three arm positions.
Standing Camel; Padahastasana; Parsvokonasana.
With Head Stands, Sarvangasana, Shoulder Stands
With Cat Rolls with leg Variations, Elbow Stances
With Side Plank, Charlie Chaplin, Supta Baddha Konasana, Camel
With Bridge, Navasana with Variations, Lotus
With cat rolls, Laura’s Series, Jathara Parivarttanasana, Moon rise and others
Paschimottanasana; Upavishta Konasana; Janu; Triang; cow face; double pigeon.
Partner camel, wheel; bow.