Terra Venture passes through a portal into a strange and dangerous dimension, known as the Lost Galaxy. Within, the colony is soon encountered by a dragon-sailing alien known as Captain Mutiny, who offers to assist Commander Stanton and his crew in returning to their own universe. But when the Power Rangers investigate Mutiny's homeworld, they discover he's far less than friendly to visitors...
Name | Type | Role | |
Judd Lynn | Writer | ||
Scott Page-Pagter | Producer | Co-Producer | |
Jonathan Tzachor | Producer | Producer | |
Judd Lynn | Producer | Co-Producer | |
Koichi Sakamoto | Producer | Co-Producer | |
Tom Whyte | Guest Star | Commander Stanton | |
Richard Cansino | Guest Star | Voice of Kegler | |
Jack Betts | Guest Star | Councilor Brody | |
Mike Reynolds | Guest Star | Voice of Captain Mutiny | |
Jeffrey Stackhouse | Guest Star | Slave | |
William Bassett | Guest Star | ||
Richard Epcar | Guest Star | Voice of Barbarax | |
William H. Bassett | Guest Star | Ghost Commander | |
Glen McDougal | Guest Star | Voice of Rocketron | |
David Lodge | Guest Star | Voice of Villamax | |
Haim Saban | Executive Producer | Executive Producer | |
Shuki Levy | Executive Producer | Executive Producer | |
Ryuta Tasaki | Director |