Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
Born in Malaga, Spain, Picasso's many styles and prolific work rate have marked him out as one of the most recognised artists of the twentieth century. Not limited to one medium he created sculptures, etchings and prints. His artistic career only began to boom once he moved to Paris in the early 1900s. His Blue Period, reflecting the colour and his mood at the time was followed by his Rose Period, work inspired by primitive art and then Cubism, which shocked the critics, but ultimately made his name.
Guernica (1937) was created during Picasso's Surrealist period and captures the horror of the bombing of the Basque town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. By the end of World War II, Picasso had become an internationally known artist and celebrity.
La brutalità dei bombardamenti della Luftwaffe sulla città basca di Guernica sconvolge Picasso. Sulla tela che realizza, corpi macellati e case devastate urleranno per sempre l'orrore di tutte le guerre. Pablo Picasso, genio spagnolo che ha scelto Parigi già dai primi del '900, è attratto dal cinema e dall’arte africana; frequenta i surrealisti, studia come superare i limiti della forma per rappresentare solo l'essenza delle cose. La storia gli passa accanto, è un pacifista convinto, dice che l’arte deve andare oltre la realtà e non occuparsi di politica. Ma rimane profondamente colpito dalla guerra civile spagnola ed eccezionalmente esprime la sua propensione per la causa repubblicana.
Для гениального художника Пабло Пикассо главное условие современного искусства состояло в том, чтобы отделить себя от политики и истории. Однако зверство и жестокость военных, которые разбомбили древний баскский город Гернику, не могло оставить его равнодушным и не могло не отразиться на его творчестве. Пикассо создает шедевр, в котором отражает мучительную судьбу своей страны, творит современную историю живописи.