Home / Series / Port Charles / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 1

01.02.98- Friday

On New Year's Eve, an amorous Rex invites himself into Lucy's hotel room and overstays his welcome as Kevin hides in the bathroom. When Rex goes into the bathroom, Kevin hides out on the ledge. Rex snoops through Lucy's medicine cabinet and swipes some of her pills. Scott and Eve share a New Year's kiss but Scott abruptly calls a halt to any further passion. Later, Dominique's spirit visits both Serena and Scott in their dreams to say good-bye and Dominique encourages Scott to get on with his life. After basking in the afterglow of making love, Julie tells Frank she wants to keep their affair secret. However, her plans are ruined when Eve catches her coming out of Frank's bedroom half-dressed.

  • Originally Aired January 2, 1998
  • Runtime 25 minutes
  • Network ABC (US)
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Scott M. Hamner Writer
Ron Renault Writer
Tom Citrano Writer
Lynn Martin Writer
Eleanor Mancusi Writer
Lynn Marie Latham Writer
Royal Miller Writer
Parke Perine Writer
Jill Ackles Director