틴플레이리스트 시리즈의 다섯 번째 작품. 웹툰 만찢남녀를 원작으로 한 웹드라마이다.
얼굴도 이름도 만화 속 여주인공과 똑같지만 성격은 정반대인 한선녀. 그런 한선녀 앞에 만화책 속에서 튀어나온 진짜 만찢남 천남욱이 나타나며 벌어지는 좌충우돌 로맨스.
Tells the story of a fictional male character from a romance comic who jumps out of the 2-dimensional pages into real life. One day, Chun Nam Wook tears through the pages of the comic book and appears in front of the story's female lead, Han Sun Nyeo. Right out of the pages of a fictional comic book, Chun Nam Wook may be a heartthrob, but once he opens his mouth, he can't help but make overly cringey, emotional comments at every turn.
- Boy and Girl Straight Out of a Cartoon
- Comic Book Boy Girl
- The Girl and the Boy Coming Out of Manga
- Torn
- Manjjijnamnyeo
Cuenta la historia de un personaje masculino ficticio de un cómic romántico que salta de las páginas bidimensionales a la vida real. Un día, Chun Nam Wook atraviesa las páginas del cómic y aparece frente a la protagonista femenina de la historia, Han Sun Nyeo. Tal vez salido de las páginas de un cómic ficticio, Chun Nam Wook puede ser un rompecorazones, pero una vez que abre la boca, no puede evitar hacer comentarios emotivos y demasiado vergonzosos en todo momento.