I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. This isn't going to be like any show you've seen before, because this has never been possible before. Ive traveled to police agencies around the world, and thanks to the power of new video technology, what we're going to show you just might just protect your life.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. no matter where I've gone here in America or around the world, police agencies have been willing to give us the videos you're about to see. They want to give you an exclusive look at what they have to deal with on a daily basis. So get set, were going to show you criminals at their worst, and cops at their best.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. One thing I've learned in 25 years of police work, is a healthy respect for the danger in dealing with all kinds of criminals. In the next hour, we're going to take you from rampaging tanks to rebellious teenagers. The one thing they all have in common, is that they can all be dangerous.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. 25 years in law enforcement taught me to be ready for anything; From high speed pursuits to deadly shootouts, the only sure thing an officer will face is danger. We're going to show you real cops in dangerous situations. So get ready for the ride of your life.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. The video we're going to show you tonight proves one thing, from armed robberies to high speed chases, cops face dangers every day, and those dangers touch all of us; Because when it comes to dealing with crime, we're all in this together. So sit back, and get ready for a wild ride.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. Across the country and around the world law enforcement officers face the same task. But every now and then something incredible happens; A felon refuses to stop, or a terrified mob riots to the streets; And its all captured on tape. So get set, because tonight, you're going to see it all.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. If you can see the world of crime through the eyes of a police officer, you'd see long stretches of routine, punctuated by moments of sheer terror. It's these moments, and how officers react to them, that could mean the difference between life and death. So buckle up, in the next hour you'll see some of the most terrifying moments police cameras have ever captured.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. Video form police agencies give officers experience in pressured situations, before they ever hit the streets, because when you roll onto a crime scene, you want to go in armed with knowledge. So get ready, in the next hour you'll see for yourself; Moments officers have studied, moments they must be prepared for, moments they hope will never happen to them.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. The presence of cameras at crime scenes is as wide-spread as crime itself. Every day we get more and more footage of crime from police, news, and viewers like yourselves. Some of the clips are terrifying, other are totally bizarre. But they're all real, and they all have something to teach us; So get ready, you're about to get a camera's eye view of the war on crime.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. In 27 years in law enforcement, I've learned its never smart to underestimate a criminal. Because weather you're a police officer or an ordinary citizen; If you let your guard down, even for a second, they've got the edge. Now we're going to show you criminals at their most dangerous, and what you can do to keep your guard up. So hang on, things are going to get pretty wild.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. During the last year, I've traveled all over the world to find the hottest police videos, footage from the front-lines of battle. Tonight we're going to give you a close-up look at the world war on crime. So brace yourself, and get ready to get real.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. I've been an officer long enough to know that some things never change. Crooks still think they can get away, and cops will do anything they can to stop them. It's always interesting, sometimes terrifying, but its never boring. Get ready, you're about to see what its really like.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. It's been my experience that all criminals feel they're above the law. That their not responsible for the consequences of their actions. Well tonight the bad guys are going to learn a few lessons about crime and punishment; And so will you. So hold on tight, the action starts now.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. In a perfect world, we wouldn't need law enforcement officers, but as long as there are criminals who think they can do whatever they want, there'll by guys like these to bring them to justice. Being a cop is a craziest and toughest job in the world. Tonight, you're going to see why.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. In my 27 years in law enforcement, I've worked with a lot of great cops, people I came to trust and respect. Tonight you're going to see cops who prove their greatness every day. So stick around, we'll show you how they do it.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. I've been in a lot of high speed pursuits in my 27 years in law enforcement, and I've discovered that the criminals who run today, are faster than ever. But so are the cops who chase them. So fasten your seat-belt, this is going to be a wild ride.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. High speed pursuits are incredibly dangerous to everybody. One mistake at a hundred miles per hour can be deadly. That's why officers use every trick in the book to track bad guys down and bring them in. So get ready, tonight you're going to see the worlds most dangerous chases.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. As a police officer you see everything from the terrifying, to the just plain bizarre. Tonight you're going to see some of the strangest, and most unusual chases ever captured on police video. So strap yourself in, because you never know what to expect.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. And I can tell you that a high speed pursuit is not a game, and its not easy; Its life or death. When officers send us their tapes, its because they want the average citizen to see what their up against; the toughest, fastest, and wildest criminals in the world. so strap yourself in; The chase is on, and you're riding shotgun.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. In my 27 years in law enforcement I've seen a lot of bad guys who thought they were unstoppable; But in the end, they were out driven, out smarted, and out classed by officers like these. So stick around, you're going to see how it happens.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. I spent 27 years in law enforcement, and the bad news is criminals are more dangerous than ever. The good news is that these young cops are ready for them. Tonight you're going to see dedicated officers going all out, to teach today's criminals the real news about modern law enforcement. So brace yourself, the school of hard knocks is now in session.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. Crime never sleeps, police officers work 24/7 to keep our streets safe; But its a tough job, and tonight you'll see why. You'll see the blood, sweat and tears that goes into bringing bad guys down. So keep your eyes open, you wont want to miss a thing.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. And I can tell you from personal experience, that no officer wants to drive in a chase unless its absolutely necessary. Because the problem isn't the chase, its crash at the end of the chase.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. During my years in law enforcement, I was always stuck by the sheer insanity of criminal behavior. Because when someone makes that first insane decision to break the law, no matter how it starts, this is how it usually ends up. So hang on, what we're going to show you now, is as crazy as it gets.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. It starts with cops and robbers, and generally ends with somebody going to jail. But in between are those terrifying moments, when you have robbers on the run. So sit back, we're going to show you the crooks, the crimes, and the chases that follow, because we don't want you to become the next victim.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. From the simple road side stop, to the most complex felony arrest, three people are generally involved: The crook who wants to get away, The officer who wants stop him, and The innocent third party who just might find themselves caught in the middle. Police departments have sent us their tapes so you'll know whats going on. so you'll know what the cops are doing, and so you wont be the one caught in the middle.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. When police receive a call it requires immediate action, and nothing responds faster than a helicopter. Scrambling a chopper is just as important to law enforcement as it is to military, because lives do hang in the balance. So hang on, you're about to see the insanity of the chase, as police respond to the call.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. You know a store like this used to be an easy target; Open 24 hours, one person alone behind the counter, usually too frightened to be a good witness. Then the video camera came along, and the cops had a new kind of evidence; And criminals learned that crime doesn't pay. especially when you do it on tape. so sit back and get ready for a brand new lesson on crime and punishment.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. For decades the police helicopter has been the great equalizer against crime. But officers need more than the right equipment to nab a felon; They need to make the right moves at just the right time. So sit tight, we're going to show you how a split-second moment of decision can separate a bust from a getaway.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. I've been at hundreds of crime scenes; And still, I'm often surprised and shocked by what I see. Its here that police officers first encounter the cost, and terms of destruction, pain, and human suffering. Some of the police videos we bring you in the next hour are going to be shocking. We bring these to you because we want you to see for yourself, the terrible price of crime.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. No matter how long you train, no matter how much experience you get, crooks are always going to find some way to surprise you. So some of the things you see tonight will be shocking and unexpected, some will amaze you. Officers share these tapes with one another to remind themselves of the one thing they can never afford to forget; The surprises never stop.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. The second a call goes out, there's an instantaneous rush of adrenaline. It gives officers the extra energy they need, it heightens the senses, its what gets them running. But at some point, all of that energy and enthusiasm has to be contained and controlled; And that takes hours and hours of practice. What we're going to show you tonight is the result of all that work. Its called the war on crime; And it never stops.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. I've been doing this for over 25 years, and every time I get in a police car, I realize the odds are always against the officer. But I've never seen an officer yet who didn't feel that with their training, their know-how, and the backup of other officers, these odds actually become pretty good. So hang on, we're going to show you how they do it, why they do it, and just how dangerous it really is.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. A war is raging on the streets of America; The Criminals versus the Law. Chaos versus Order. The results of the conflict are all too common, but what you don't see is how the battle begins, the lengths criminals will go, and the terrifying complications that change everything in a heartbeat. So hang on, we're going to take you to the front lines of a war that never stops.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. Most people don't even think about law enforcement until they either do something wrong, or get wronged themselves. But police know that fighting crime is a full time job. If something isn't going down now, it will be soon, and officers have to be ready. So get ready, what we're going to show you tonight is the ruthlessness of criminals, the toughness of cops, and the clash when both sides refuse to back down.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. The standard issue patrol car: Its a life saving tool. Because lets face it, this job is about getting there, and getting there fast. Before an argument turns into an assault. Before an assault turns into a homicide. The simple fact is; Protect and Serve doesn't even start until you're on the scene. So buckle up, its going to be a fast ride.
I'm Sheriff John Bunnell. Today's newspapers are full of stories about crime and crime statistics. But numbers don't tell the whole story, and believe me, when crime strikes close to you, statistics don't matter at all. the only thing then that matters, is knowing what to do. That's why we bring you Police videos, In order for you to see for yourself how criminals work, and the tricks they pull. So you wont be a statistic too.