「ハコヅメ」笑いと涙の最終話! 桜 (徳永えり) ひき逃げ事件の結末は!? そして藤 (戸田恵梨香) と川合 (永野芽郁)、最強交番女子ペアの行く末は? 川合が作成した似顔絵によって再び動き出した桜ひき逃げ事件の捜査。しかし進展が無いまま1週間が経過…。そんな矢先、守護天使の似顔絵に似た男が現れたという情報が。ついに事件の全貌が明らかに! そして警察官として一回り成長した川合が藤のためにとったある行動とは!?
The final episode of "Police in a Pod" laughter and tears! Sakura (Eri Tokunaga). What is the end of the hit-and-run case !? Investigation of the cherry blossom hit-and-run case that has begun to move again. However, one week has passed without any progress ... At that point, there was information that a man who looked like a caricature of a guardian angel appeared. Finally, the whole picture of the case is revealed! And what action did Kawai, who grew up as a police officer, take for Fuji !?