The continuing story of Cheung Wai Kit rise through the ranks of the Hong Kong Police department. Cheung Wai Kit is now a CID officer of Sgt. rank. His mom no longer has to sew doll clothes from home and they live in a nice apartment now. He finally has a friendly relationship with his father and step mother. The only thing missing in his life is love, his ex-girlfriend Tse Wing Chi has emigrated to Canada and doesn't plan on ever coming back to Hong Kong. Besides trying to find love again, he also has to deal with family issues as new relatives arrives in Hong Kong from China and corrupted cops who want to take him down.
La suite de l'histoire de Cheung Wai Kit dans les rangs du département de la police de Hong Kong. Cheung Wai Kit est maintenant un officier de police judiciaire de Sgt. rang. Sa mère n'a plus à coudre des vêtements de poupées et ils vivent dans un bel appartement maintenant. Il a enfin une relation amicale avec son père et sa belle-mère. La seule chose qui manque dans sa vie est l’amour. Son ex-petite amie Tse Chi Wing a émigré au Canada et ne compte plus revenir à Hong Kong. En plus d'essayer de trouver l'amour à nouveau, il doit aussi gérer de nouveaux parents qui arrivent à Hong Kong en provenance de Chine et des flics corrompus.