Following an emergency communication from Project Mew, Goh is off to Hoenn, while Ash battles Leon in the Masters Eight Tournament finals. It’s a six-on-six Full Battle, and although each Trainer can typically use Dynamax, a Z-Move, or Mega Evolution only once, Leon insists that Ash use all three. Leon first sends out his Cinderace, who spars with Pikachu, and then Leon’s Inteleon battles Ash’s Gengar. After Gigantamaxing, Gengar takes down Inteleon, but Leon’s Mr. Rime manages to defeat it. Ash and Leon are now back on equal footing, and this massive battle promises to keep going strong!
Goh atende a uma chamada de emergência do Projeto Mew. Ash vai para as finais do Torneio dos Oito Mestres, onde Leon pede que seja uma batalha com poder total.
Les finales des Championnats du Monde Pokémon Couronnement commencent. Sasha et Tarak luttent tous les deux pour la victoire!
Das Finale der Pokémon-Krönungs-Weltmeisterschaften beginnt. Ash und Delion streben beide nach dem Sieg!
Kiedy Goh odpowiada na nagłe wezwanie z Projektu Mew, Ash udaje się na finał Turnieju Mistrzowskiej Ósemki, gdzie Leon żąda bitwy z użyciem wszystkich mocy Pokémonów.
Goh responde a uma chamada de emergência do Projeto Mew, e Ash dirige-se para a final do Torneio dos Oito Magistrais, em que Leon solicita um combate de poder total.