The second match of the Masters Eight Tournament semifinals continues with Ash battling Sinnoh Champion Cynthia. The six-on-six Full Battle has promised lots of action…and it has certainly delivered! With five of Ash’s Pokémon already eliminated, it’s now up to Mega Lucario. First up is Cynthia’s Dynamax Togekiss, and Lucario wins, leaving Cynthia with only Garchomp. This is the last battle of the match, and both Pokémon fight hard, but Lucario’s endurance gives Ash the victory! Moving on to the finals round, our hero now must prepare for his toughest battle yet—against Leon!
A batalha está a mil, mas Ash só tem mais um Pokémon: Lucario. Será que o vínculo da amizade entre os dois consegue derrotar a campeã de Sinnoh?
Das zweite Match im Halbfinale des Turniers der Acht Meister geht weiter, und Ash kämpft gegen den Champ von Sinnoh, Cynthia. Nachdem fünf von Ashs Pokémon bereits ausgeschieden sind, ist nun Mega-Lucario an der Reihe. Wer wird das Match gewinnen?
Le deuxième match des demi-finales du Tournoi des Huit Maîtres se poursuit et Sacha affronte la Maîtresse de Sinnoh Cynthia.
Bitwa trwa, ale Ash ma już tylko jednego Pokémona: Lucario. Czy moc ich więzi wystarczy, by doprowadzić ich do zwycięstwa nad mistrzynią Sinnoh?
O combate feroz prossegue, mas Ash tem apenas um Pokémon restante: Lucario. Conseguirá o poder da sua ligação levá-los à vitória sobre o campeão da região de Sinnoh?