A Cerise family discussion about Pokémon Evolution prompts Professor Cerise to suggest a camping trip! On the way, he and Chloe stop to visit Grover, who knew Professor Cerise when he was a young child. The reunion causes the Professor to recall his friendship with a wild Clefairy and the emotional moment when they parted ways. Later, the family watches a group of Clefairy dancing in an Evolution ceremony under the full moon. After the Pokémon depart, Professor Cerise is certain that one of the evolved Clefable was his old friend. The experience helps Chloe realize that when it comes to herself and Eevee, the possibilities are infinite.
Em um acampamento com a família, Chloe encontra amigos do passado do pai que a ajudam em sua decisão de evoluir Eevee.
Le deuxième match en demi-finale du tournoi des Huit Maîtres se poursuit - maintenant c'est Sacha vs. Cynthia ! Sacha combat le champion Sinnoh, Cynthia. Le combat à six promet beaucoup d'action et ça devient excitant.
Das zweite Match im Halbfinale des Turniers der Acht Meister geht weiter – jetzt heißt es Champ gegen Champ! Ash kämpft gegen den Champ von Sinnoh, Cynthia. Der Sechs-gegen-Sechs-Kampf verspricht viel Action und es wird spannend.
Na rodzinnym kempingu Chloe spotyka dawnych przyjaciół swojego ojca, którzy pomagają jej zdecydować czy rozwijać Eevee, czy nie.
Quando vai acampar com a família, Chloe encontra amigos do passado do pai, que a ajudam a decidir se deve, ou não, evoluir Eevee.