Team Rocket gelingt es, Pikachu in einer Box zu fangen. Den Schlüssel dazu hat Woingenau. Doch das wird von einem Dieb entführt. Team Rocket und Ash heften sich an die Fersen des Diebes.
Knowing our heroes are still en-route to Olivine, Team Rocket lies in wait. Dressed as scientists, they explain they've just repaired the amazing "Poké Pod." To test it out, Pikachu is placed in the pod and locked in tight. When Team Rocket reveals their true identity and runs, Ash and Co. are in hot pursuit. When our heroes catch up to Team Rocket, there isn't a Poké Pod or Pikachu in site! Realizing Wobbuffet was hiding for the handoff, Ash chases after it. In Wobbuffet's rash retreat, it trips dropping the Pikachu containing Poké Pod and falls into the rapids of a nearby river. Since the only way to release Pikachu from the Poké Pod is to possess the key around Wobbuffet's neck, it's an all-out race to reach Team Rocket's blue bad-boy first. This proves problematic as Wobbuffet plummets over waterfalls, wanders through forests, gets taken for a ride on the roof of a run-away truck, blows for miles in a hot-air balloon and falls helpless to the helm of a speedboat! Who will reach Wobbuffet and the key first?
La Team Rocket réussit à capturer Pikachu en se faisant passer pour deux scientifiques voulant tester une cage. Ils donnent la cage à Qulbutoké qui tombe dans l'eau. Sacha récupère donc la cage, mais... Il n'a pas la clé !!!
El Equipo Rocket roba a Pikachu y lo encierra en una jaula de la cual sólo Wobbuffet tiene la llave. Desafortunadamente, Wobbuffet cae a un río y se pierde en la ciudad.
Sapendo che i nostri eroi sono ancora in viaggio per Olivinopoli, il Team Rocket prepara un agguato. Travestiti da scienziati, spiegano di aver appena riparato la loro ultima invenzione: l'incredibile Poké Pod.
Começa a correria para encontrar o Wobbuffet da Equipe Rocket quando este foge com a chave de uma jaula indestrutível... a jaula que mantém cativo o Pikachu de Ash!