제시가 의도치 않게 베푼 선행으로 온라인 커뮤니티 내에서 착한 기업이 된 맥콤과 이 기회를 놓치지 않는 마케팅팀 ‘캐롤’. 사건을 만들고, 수습하는 브랜딩 리뉴얼을 제안한다.
Maccom became a well-known company in the online community because of Jesse's unintentional good deeds, this is also what Carol of the marketing team didn't want to miss out on. He proposed a brand update to create and handle the case. Meanwhile, Lee Geun-ho was almost kicked out of Magenta. Then while reflecting on the past... he finds out the only way to stop the firing.