G4TechTV presents the second annual G-Phoria video game awards show hosted by husband and wife duo Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro, with appearances by Ant, Jillian Barberie, Just Blaze, John Cho, Racheal Harris, Tony Hawk, Jenna Jameson, Kennedy, Preston Lacy, Stan 'the man' Lee, Bai Ling, Chad Muska, Kal Penn, Mekhi Phifer, Ryan Pinkston, Anna Nicole Smith, Anna Nicole Smith's left breast, Anna Nicole Smith's right breast, Snoop Dogg, Hal Sparks, Aisha Tyler, Wee Man, Nikki Ziering and members of Good Charolette, with performances by Chronic Future, Jadakiss, Mobius B with Tommy Tallarico & BT and Phantom Planet.