Why do people really enjoy Vanilla WoW? Is it the walking? Maybe it's because they like standing around the main faction city for 50 minutes trying to form a group? Nah, I think they are all rose-tinted :^) In this video go over some of the reasons why I love vanilla wow!
Druid: The Jack of All Trades.. The Master of None. Why should you play a Druid? Let's find out!
Looking to be a Horde warrior of the elements when classic comes around? Well be looking to support your bros and one shot some foes!
In a time of little news about classic wow. One rogue cop goes on a mission for what the community deserves... IN VR! (Sorry for no videos the past couple of weeks! Here is something silly to tide you over!)
Paladins are the warriors of the Alliance... They should be kicking ass, right?.. Well not exactly. Let’s see what they CAN do on this episode of Vanilla Flavors!
Lets take a look at an old Classic WoW relic of the past.. and hope nothing comes after us as well....
Ahhh Warlocks, The Summoners of Demons, Farmers of Soulshards and the DoT Face Melters of Classic WoW. So.. what exactly does the Warlock bring to the table in Classic WoW? Let's find out on this episode of Vanilla Flavors!
Priests are the best healers in the game but that isn't the only thing the holy boys are good at in Vanilla/Classic WoW.. Lets see what Jesus Christ himself has to say on this episode of Vanilla Flavors!
Another Blizzcon in the books. Classic, Diablo and other games, oh my! What do I think about my time at Blizzcon 2018?!?!?! Well let's find out!
Warriors. Hard to level but utter beefcakes at end game. What isn’t there to love? Let’s find out how good Warriors really are in Classic WoW on this episode of Vanilla Flavours!
Ah yes, the mage! These dudes are well known for their stick nasty burst, insane CC and their impeccable food and beverages. But let's see what they really bring to the table on this episode of Vanilla Flavors!!!
Hunters! They class is known for beeing the noobs of WoW but what you might not know is depth the class can really have when you do the research! So why should you play a hunter in Classic WoW? LETS FIND OUT!!!!!
SECOND CHANNEL LINK: @platinumwow2485
ROGUES! The Ganking Overpopulated Stealth Masters of Classic WoW. Why should you play one? WELL LETS FIND OUT ON THE FINAL EPISODE!
Deadmines is the first dungeon Alliance players will enter in their wondrous quest around Azeroth. It's filled with pirates, miners, goblins and a feeling of dread when your dps pulls a load of adds for the sixth time. Anyways, lets see how to navigate this dungeon in DUNGEON DIVES.
Wailing Caverns is filled with snake people, plant monsters, raptors and a giant murloc. Whats not to love? In this video we'll talk about the quests and the strats so you can take down the inhabitants of this smell cave with ease on this episode of DUNGEON DIVES.
Shadowfang Keep is by far the most complex and difficult dungeon in the 20-25 range. Its filled with ghosts, ghouls and furries! Yoinks! Let’s see how to progress through this haunted mansion in this episode of Dungeon Dives!
The chicken escorts quests are during a time in the leveling process where quests are hard to come by. Brace yourself as you escort a robo-chicken from H-E double hockey sticks.
Watch your ankles, folks. Lets delve into Gnomeregan which is filled with quests, loot, bosses and more robots than ever! Oh, and bring your hazmat suit on this episode of DUNGEON DIVES.
Classic World of Warcraft is getting close! I've done intense planning on exactly what I want to do when it finally launches! What server, Faction, Race, Class and Endgame goals do I have?! FIND OUT HERE.
Scarlet Monastery is a dungeon that a TON of people run on their leveling trip to 60. Why is it so popular in classic wow and how do you do it? Well, let's find out on this episode of DUNGEON DIVES.
Scarab Lords are basically legends in Classic WoW. The amount of time and dedication needed for you AND your guild is nothing to scoff at so there is a reason why there aren't a lot on many servers. But.. what does it really take to be a Scarab Lord in Classic WoW? Lets see...
Gold is like, really, really important to Classic WoW. Not only is it important to you as a player but its important to how the game functions as a whole!
Uldaman is an ancient tomb created by the titans thousands of years ago.. or something like that. Let find out how to prevail through this dangerous dungeon in Classic WoW!
The Classic WoW Beta is great!.. There is just one problem. Horde. A lone Night Elf and his owl companion venture out together to DESTROY the horde!
THE ADVENTURE OF OWL MAN CONTINUES. Friends, mistakes and adventures are made as the "superhero" explores the mysterious land of Azeroth in Classic WoW.... but something might be lurking in the shadows as well....
The Owlman continues with his EPIC adventure! Watch as he explores enemy territory and kicks major ass in another exciting episode!
Alterac Valley was avaible for testing this weekend. My version of tests was... a bit different to say the least.
Another episode of Owlman continues! Our brave "hero" wakes up from a night of partying to venture on his quest.. little does he know he'll run into an unfamiliar ally...
After ten thousand years... Owlman comes to the conclusion of his leveling adventure in Classic WoW. Lessons where learned, friends where made and and most importantly memories where made that will be cherished forever. Let's see how this final episode end of Owlman!
This is a fan made trailer for World Of Warcraft Classic. I binged making this because it was to fun to create. Hope you enjoy!
Rank 14 is no joke is Classic WoW. You'll have to PvP your buns off to even dream of getting close but the rewards are pretty amazing... So, let's see what it takes!
There is A LOT to learn in Classic. I mean A LOT. It can be kinda overwhelming at times to be thrusted into this strange new world. So lets talk about some tips to get you on your feet to becoming one of the many adventures in Azeroth!
Pvp is a lot of fun in Classic WoW!.... Getting corpse camped for 2 hours.... not so much. That is why in this video we'll be going over 6 tips to avoid getting ganked!
Wow. You finally did it! You reached level 60!... What now? Well, let's go over some tips on what you should do in your first steps in endgame!
We’ve waited forever but it will finally come out… Now we’ll finally be able to play Classic WoW… FOREVER!!!! Now for a poem, written by me and performed by all of my content creating friends :)
Classic WoW is finally! I've been playing it a lot since release so lets go over some of the adventures I've gone on :)
Another week another wasted 168 hours in Classic WoW. Good news, I hit 60 but there is a lot more to cover on today's update video!
Deep within the Barrens an evil lurks among the Quilboar. Find out what is plaguing these pig people in Classic WoW and put a stop to it on this episode of DUNGEON DIVES!
World of Warcraft has been a game that has been out for 15 years! Lots of big changes have come to the game but raiding as always been a main part. How has it changed over the years and what is it like now compared to Classic WoW? Let's find out!
How to enter the Blizzcon Virtual Ticket Contest! 1. Take a screenshot of a place you call “home” in ANY Blizzard game. 2. Follow me on Twitter (@PlatinumWoW654) 3. Tweet out your screenshot with the #BlizzconHome! You’re done! Winners will be decided on October 22nd!!!! Make sure your DMs are open!
Priest are almost never the stars of the show in Classic WoW but what they do have is an amazing questline to get their own class specific weapons. Let's check 'em out!
Another year another Blizzcon. This one was filled with hype, drama and amazing releases! Let's go over all of these amazing things in this quick recap video!
Phase 2 is a go in Classic WoW! Enjoy the magic of world PvP, World Bosses and a key ring (added later this year :( ) and server problems!!!!
I'm sure you've been there. You're sitting in the middle of the dungeon clear packs of mobs and you think to yourself, "Why am I here?" What is the lore reason for raiding this dungeon anyway? Well let's answer that burning question in today's video!
What do Titan Keepers, Hydras, Stone Princesses and Cultist Trolls have in common? They all are enemies we must defeat in Classic WoW. Come with me as we learn more about the detailed lore in Classic World of Warcraft!
Scholomance is a school in Classic WoW where the evil dark arts of necromancy are taught... its filled with spooky ghost and terrifying stories! Let's learn the origins on this place in this video!
Stratholme is rich with lore from Warcraft 3 and Classic WoW and includes some of the best story telling in the whole universe! Let's check out how this kingdom fell from grace!
Dire Maul has history that spans thousands and thousands of years! Let's unravel how this elven city turned into the dungeon we know today in Classic WoW.
Classic World of Warcraft has lots and lots of quests that just involve collecting stuff... but there are also quests with interesting stories and great rewards. Let's talk about some of them!
Blackrock Mountain is HUGE! It's filled with lots and lots of lore so today let's talk about BRD specifically and the story of the Dark Iron in Classic WoW!
Ragnaros the Firelord is the last boss in the Molten Core BUT... he's a lot stronger than you think. We only fight a mere shade of his true strength in Classic WoW so let's see how strong this guy really is!
Blackwing Lair is coming out in a few weeks. What better way to prep then find out why we are storming into Nefarian's Lair in the first place?!
The Darkmoon Faire is one of the few places in World of Warcraft where people can relax and enjoy themselves but turns out.... it's not all fun and games...
The World Of Warcraft is filled with quests... some of them are even romantic... here is 5 of the best ones!
Onyxia, the Broodmother of the Black Dragon Flight is a master of trickery and deceit. The dragon has been able to dismantle Stormwind with ease and removed the king from the picture... How exactly did she do this? Watch to find out.
We left off with Onxyia splitting Varian in two and the strong willed version of him being kidnapped by The Horde. In this episode, learn how Varian earned the name Lo'Gosh and the ultimate downfall of the Broodmother.
In Classic WoW you fight lots of giant monsters and epic dragons but... what about those other enemies? What's the story and why are you slaying them? Well, let's find out the origin of those enemies the Horde faces in Classic WoW!
In Classic WoW you fight lots of giant monsters and epic dragons but... what about those other enemies? What's the story and why are you slaying them? Well, let's find out the origin of those enemies the Alliance faces in Classic WoW!
The Orcs are known for being BIG mean and GREEN. But a meer disease was almost enough to wipe them out with ease. How did it come about? How did they stop it? Let's find out.
The Forgotten Shadows is a mysterious group of shadow worshiping undead that reside within the Forsaken. Let's learn about this cult that is one of the most intresting details in World of Warcraft lore!
Zul'Gurub is the first 20 man raid being added to Classic. There is tons of gear, bosses, and things you need to learn to survive this jungle nightmare. Let's dive in!
World of Warcraft's new expansions just went into alpha. I was one of the lucky few to get in... is it any good? Let's find out!
You might think Thrall or Sylvanas are the ultimate Mary Sue's in World of Warcraft but you've NEVER SEEN how stupid this character is...
Enemies of Hellfire Peninsula
Warcraft Adventures was a point and click adventure game canceled by Blizzard. The game has remained a mystery... until now...
Ahn'Qiraj is an ancient city overrun DISGUSTING INSECTS. This is one of the most dangerous raids in all of Classic WoW and has a story you won't want to miss!
There are a lot of clans in WoW. Let's talk about them all. Yes, even the weird ones.
In World of Warcraft Kalimdor is an ancient zone filled with lore that barley anyone knows. Let's explore!
In World of Warcraft Kalimdor is filled with interesting tales a lot of people don't know. So in this video let's talk about about some of them!
The Eastern Kingdoms as such a variety of different zones and stories to tell! But... let's find out how dangerous it is compared to Kalimdor.
AQ 20 is one of the new raids coming in Phase 5 of Classic WoW. Learn the bosses, strategies and amazing loot in this episode of DUNGEON DIVES
The Burning Crusade comes with a bunch of zones that are utterly destroyed but Zangarmarsh tells a different story.Come with me as we discover the fascinating origins of this mushroom swamp on this episode of "Why Do I Want Them Dead?"!
Aq 40 is one of the most difficult raids in Classic WoW that is filled with challenging bosses, trash and epic loot. Join me as we navigate the ancient temple and learn how to survive your first time in this new 40 man raid!
In World of Warcraft lore Trolls where one of the strongest empires to ever exist on Azeroth. But, through a string of unfortunate decisions they turned into groups of mobs scattered around the world that you kill for quests. Let's learn how they messed up so bad.
When playing World of Warcraft have you ever thought, "Hey, are we the baddies?" Yes. Yes you are. Find out in this video why Zul'jin and the Amani Trolls are the GOOD GUYS.
The magic in World of Warcraft.
Not matter what Warcraft Lore you read... Trolls always are the losers. Find out why in this exciting conclusion to World of Warcraft Troll lore in this video!
World of Wacraft lore has gotten VERY complex in the past couple of expansions. There is tons of hidden lore, mysterious motives and confusing conclusions that are more important than ever in WoW’s newest expansion, Shadowlands. Let’s find out what we NEED to know!
In World of Warcraft's newest expansion, Shadowlands, Bolvar is going to play a HUGE roll in the lore. But.. who is Bolvar and what has he done through out WoW's history. Find out here as we talk about this exciting Warcraft lore in today's episode.
In World of Warcraft there is the spookiest holiday of them all called Hallows End. During this event in WoW The Headless Horseman terrorizes the towns with his maniclial screams and sets everything ablaze! But who is the Headless Horseman and why is he so evil? Find out in the spookiest episode yet!
Naxxramas is the last raid in Classic WoW filled with dangerous bosses and amazing loot. Let’s learn how to navigate this raid in this last episode of Dungeon Dives!
This video contains a promotion for the new Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft Edition microphone.
Revendreth. A realm in World of Warcraft Shadowlands where all prideful souls go to be... managed. How does it work? Who rules it? And are they really just knock-off vampires? Professor Archlin is on the case!
Long ago in the year 2009, a World of Warcraft Magazine was announced. The pages within this magazine are lost to time... but now it is time to uncover some ancient history...
The story of how humans in World of Warcraft are just ugly babies.
The story of the savior of mankind and destroyer of trolls.
The Story of Gilneas and its Incompetent King.
Chen Stormstout helps settle the differences between two Alliance and Horde soldiers by retelling the times their factions have worked together during Azeroth's history.
The Story of Gilneas and its Incompetent King.
Time is money. I don't got time to tell you a description.
The story of the Eredar and their giant mistake.
Learn everything you need to know for your first time in Karazhan.
Everything you need to know to defeat Magtheridon's Lair.
Everything you need to know for your first time in Gruul's Lair.
The dramatic history of the Draenei's upbringing on Draenor.
Learn how the Horde rose to power and the Draenei's brutal retaliation.
Everything you need to know for your first time in Serpentshrine Cavern.
Everything you need to know for your first time in Tempest Keep!
Learn the Tauren's Lore that takes you all around Azeroth and how they almost got wiped out!
How the gnomes made the biggest mistake of their lives.
I get goosebumps just thinking about these spooky dudes.
Warcraft's Most OVERPOWERED King.
The Scarlet Crusade's Rise and Embarrassing Fall in Warcraft.
The Warcraft Villains who did nothing wrong.
The Problem With Shadowlands (What Makes Warcraft Lore Good?).
Everything You Need to Know About Dragons in Warcraft.
Making Mulgore spice bread irl.
The Scarlet Crusade's Most Powerful Weapon.
Warcraft's Stupidest Dragon.
Northrend Safari - Zone Lore Exploration (Part 1).
The First Time Horde/Alliance Worked Together in Warcraft.
I got special access to the DRAGONFLIGHT ALPHA! Let's talk about the new race, class, lore, zone and lore in this exclusive first look!
Exploring Warcraft's Most Beloved Zone (Lore Safari)
• Giant, Ripped Barbarians?! Vrykul Lore with PlatinumWoW | Wrath of the Lich King Classic
The Unknown Story of Kalecgos.
Warcraft's Mightiest Hunter.
So, You Want to Be a Demon Hunter?
How Medivh Doomed the Warcraft Universe.
The Embarrassing Fall of the Night Elves.
Warcraft Villains Everyone Forgot About.
The Downfall of Arthas Menethil.
The Most Underrated Race in Warcraft History.
"Why Do I Want Them Dead?" Blackfathom Deeps.
Warcraft's New Master Manipulator.
Garrosh, Son of Grom, will show you what it means to be a real Warcraft villain.
CHECK OUT THE NEW CHANNEL HERE: • Basically, Warhammer 40k
Who is Calia Menethil?
The Hidden Lore of Season of Discovery (Part 1).
Dalaran Destroyed?! - Exploring the War Within Alpha.
Warcraft's Legendary Time-Traveling Warrior.
The Best Written Dwarf in Warcraft History.
All the lore you Need to know for The War Within.
Warcraft's Savior or Future Villain? - Alleria Windrunner.
Every Old God Explained in 20 Minutes.
Earthen are cool, actually.
Warcraft's New Lore That Changes Everything.
The Rise and Fall(?) of Azj-Kahet.
The Most Persistent Villains in Warcraft History.
Warcraft Race Origins Explained.
Warcraft's Lost 'Playable' Race : the lore of Sethrak.