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Season 2013

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Season 2015

Season 2016

  • S2016E01 What is Consequentialism? | Gentleman Thinker

    • January 1, 2016
    • YouTube

    Let’s explain one of the most famous types of philosophical ethical theory, and how it helps us find what morality consists in.

  • S2016E02 In Defence of the Word "Problematic"

    • January 8, 2016
    • YouTube

    ‘Problematic’ is a contentious term: some people think it’s just an ‘SJW Buzzword,’ but it’s actually an academic loanword with some good uses!

  • S2016E03 What Are Rights? Duty & The Law

    • January 15, 2016
    • YouTube

    What are human rights? Wesley Hohfeld’s philosophical analysis is the tool we use to understand legal and moral duties to one another.

  • S2016E04 Racism, Law, & Politics (Race Part 1)

    • January 29, 2016
    • YouTube

    Time for some postcolonial philosophy: let’s look at the concepts of race and racism and how they fit into law and politics.

  • S2016E05 Islamophobia, Racism, & Feminism (Race Part 2)

    • January 29, 2016
    • YouTube

    Following on from our analysis of race and racism in politics and law, here’s a discussion of the racialization of Muslims in Western societies.

  • S2016E06 Nietzsche's Übermensch, "God is Dead," and Nihilism | Gentleman Thinker

    • February 5, 2016
    • YouTube

    Time for some Nietzsche! What is Nihilism, what is an übermensch, and what does it mean to say “God is Dead?” This is the backdrop to the Will to Power!

  • S2016E07 Mill "On Liberty" - Freedom & Empire

    • February 19, 2016
    • YouTube

    John Stuart Mill’s “On Liberty” is huge in politics and criminal law: but what are the limits of freedom? And how does the history of the British Empire in India come into it?

  • S2016E08 Are Instagram & Photography Aesthetically Pointless?

    • February 24, 2016
    • YouTube

    What does philosophy have to say about photography and Instagram? Does art and aesthetics come into it?

  • S2016E09 Marx Part 1: Labour & Class Conflict

    • March 4, 2016
    • YouTube

    Philosophy and economics! Part 1 of my series on Karl Marx. We talk about capitalism, exploitation, labour, and the working class.

  • S2016E10 Marx Part 2: Capitalism's Consequences

    • March 11, 2016
    • YouTube

    More economic philosophy from Karl Marx, talking about the problems of capitalism, Alienation, labour, and business.

  • S2016E11 Marx Part 3: Cultural Marxism & Political Correctness

    • March 18, 2016
    • YouTube

    What is Cultural Marxism? What is the conspiracy theory around the Frankfurt school; how is it linked to right wing white nationalism and political correctness?

  • S2016E12 Marx Part 4: Beyond Capitalism

    • March 25, 2016
    • YouTube

    How will information technology affect capitalism and the future of economics? How did Thatcher and Reagan pave the way for David Cameron, Hillary Clinton, and the politics of today?

  • S2016E13 Ayn Rand's Objectivism

    • April 1, 2016
    • YouTube

    Rand is “Capitalism’s pet philosopher,” so let’s look at Objectivism, which she described in Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead.

  • S2016E14 Ethics of Collateral Damage

    • April 15, 2016
    • YouTube

    When countries go to war, or assign healthcare budgets, or Superman destroys Metropolis, is the collateral damage morally Ok?

  • S2016E15 Pokémon Philosophy: Is Mewtwo MARXIST?

    • April 22, 2016
    • YouTube

    What do Pokémon battles say about economics and philosophy? Is MewTwo a Marxist?

  • S2016E16 What is Gender?

    • April 29, 2016
    • YouTube

    Male, female, cis, trans – what is gender? What makes up your gender identity? Existentialism, Society, Genetics?

  • S2016E17 Beginner's Guide to Kant's Metaphysics & Epistemology

    • May 13, 2016
    • YouTube

    A simple explanation of Immanuel Kant’s famous philosophy on how we experience and understand the world.

  • S2016E18 Knowledge Explained

    • May 20, 2016
    • YouTube

    What's the meaning of ideas like knowledge and intelligence? What’s the Gettier problem? What do octopuses have to do with it?

  • S2016E19 Can You Experience Art Online?

    • June 3, 2016
    • YouTube

    How might the Internet, virtual reality, and technology affect art? Will new media make galleries obsolete? Are Da Vincis, Michelangelos, and Van Goghs still valuable as digital reproductions?

  • S2016E20 Beginner's Guide to Kant's Moral Philosophy

    • June 10, 2016
    • YouTube

    A simple introduction to Kant’s Categorical Imperative and his deontological approach to ethics

  • S2016E21 Should Bernie Fans Vote Hillary?

    • June 17, 2016
    • YouTube

    Is it right to go #BernieorBust, or should Bernie fans vote Clinton for President to try and avoid Donald Trump? How does the philosophy of Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill fit into US politics? When nobody on the ballot represents you in a democracy, how should you vote?

  • S2016E22 Immigration, Sovereignty, & the EU

    • June 21, 2016
    • YouTube

    Britain has a referendum on whether to remain part of the European Union or to Brexit, and there’s some very important philosophy to be done about sovereignty, racism, nationhood, and immigration.

  • S2016E23 Is Anime Fan Service Bad Art?

    • July 15, 2016
    • YouTube

    What does ethics have to say about art? Is Kill la Kill worse for all its boobs and butts? Is Star Trek worse for its political content? Are Nazi propaganda films worse for being about Hitler?

  • S2016E24 X Men: is Magneto Right?

    • July 29, 2016
    • YouTube

    Marvel Comics & philosophy! Professor X might be a liberal but what if Magneto’s revolutionary politics is the path to peace? How do we challenge structural violence and systemic oppression?

  • S2016E25 Top 10 Philosophers You Need to Know

    • August 5, 2016
    • YouTube

    10 philosophers you need to know if you want to engage with the world today - we're talking politics, race, trans rights, ethics metaphysics, art, culture, and more!

  • S2016E26 Should Politicians be Honest or "Electable?"

    • August 19, 2016
    • YouTube

    When Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn or Bernie Sanders of the Democrats are called “unelectable,” what’s the real political, moral, and philosophical ideology behind “electability?”

  • S2016E27 What Happens in a Philosopher's Brain?

    • September 2, 2016
    • YouTube

    What is bias? How does your brain affect free will, argument, and thinking? Let's look at "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahnemann - if we want to study philosophy we need to know a bit about brains, biology, and psychology too!

  • S2016E28 Does Crowdfunding Destroy Art?

    • September 16, 2016
    • YouTube

    With the economy changing a lot of artists and creators are relying on crowdfunding to pay the bills - so what philosophical issues does that throw up about the value of art, creativity, and Marxism? And the ethics of economic systems that increase medical and legal costs?

  • S2016E29 Is Having Children Wrong?

    • September 30, 2016
    • YouTube

    Is it morally okay to have babies? Anti-natalists like philosopher David Benatar would argue that nonexistence avoids pain, unlike existence, but is he correct? What does that mean for reproductive rights?

  • S2016E30 What is Color? & Who Cares?

    • October 14, 2016
    • YouTube

    Let's look at the philosophy of colour! (Or color, if you're American.) Is colour wavelengths of light? Mental perceptions? How do anthropology, linguistics, and the Pirahã tribe of the Amazon come into it? What does Wittgenstein say? Do trees falling in empty forests make a sound? Also, who cares?

  • S2016E31 Why We Need Diverse Education

    • October 21, 2016
    • YouTube

    I talk about philosophy, history, economics, and why we need diversity in education! You can't just look at Europe, you need a global focus! The philosophers Karl Marx and Søren Kierkegaard might have some recommendations...

  • S2016E32 Trump & the Problem with Politics

    • November 4, 2016
    • YouTube

    The Presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has revealed something interesting about politics. The ideas of philosopher (and Nazi) Carl Schmitt, and the black activist Kwame Ture, can help us understand how the right-wing and left-wing criticise liberalism…

  • S2016E33 Why Do We Remember War?

    • November 11, 2016
    • YouTube

    Every November we remember war, the army, and military history, often with poppies. But philosopher Benedict Anderson would say it’s a reflection of aggressive nationalism. How can we remember war in a way that fosters peace? How can we use our own patriotism, politics, and history responsibly?

  • S2016E34 "Waiting for Godot" Explained with Philosophy

    • November 25, 2016
    • YouTube

    Samuel Beckett’s absurdist masterpiece “Waiting for Godot” is one of the most famous pieces of 20th Century Theatre – but what are the philosophical questions it raises? How does the story of its creation tie in with Albert Camus, and the Nazi invasion of France?

  • S2016E35 What's the Point of School & Education?

    • December 2, 2016
    • YouTube

    What is the purpose of education; what good does learning aim at? Is it just training people to enter the workforce and employment market, or to be citizens, or something else? Especially philosophy, can you get a job with it? Does that question miss the point? Here's some vague thoughts about it all...

  • S2016E36 Should the Rich Help the Poor?

    • December 9, 2016
    • YouTube

    Do people and countries with money have a duty to aid those in poverty? How are human rights affected by capitalism? What about reparations for colonialism and slavery? And isn't this a very bourgeois way of thinking anyway?

  • S2016E37 Should You Give Christmas Presents?

    • December 23, 2016
    • YouTube

    CHRISTMAS! There’ll be lots of presents given this December, but should you really give gifts? Why not just give cash? Let’s look at the economics and philosophy of altruism and category errors.

  • S2016E38 Political Philosophy: the State of Exception

    • December 30, 2016
    • YouTube

    A very important idea in political philosophy from Giorgio Agamben - what is the State of Exception? How do governments use it?

Season 2017

  • S2017E01 Intro to Aesthetics

    • January 6, 2017
    • YouTube

    What's the definition of 'art'? A pretty fundamental question in aesthetics - the philosophy of art. I explain the basic theories, citing Wittgenstein and George Dickie, among others, touching on art history and modern art today.

  • S2017E02 Does Philosophy Make You Sad?

    • January 12, 2017
    • YouTube

    Some fans tell me that philosophy makes them sad, especially existentialists like Satre and Camus, and especially if it impacts their religious faith. So if studying it makes you depressed, anxious, or lonely, here's a story to help you feel better, and some chat about the wonder of learning!

  • S2017E03 Intro to Anarchy: Power & Violence

    • January 20, 2017
    • YouTube

  • S2017E04 Problems with YouTube & the Internet Creators Guild: Technology & Politics

    • February 3, 2017
    • YouTube

    The Internet Creators Guild, invented by Hank Green and Laura Chernikoff, looks cool, but it symbolises some problems that I have with YouTube, “the YouTube community,” and Silicon Valley more generally – it’s a kind of bourgeois technocratic liberalism

  • S2017E05 What is Creativity?

    • February 17, 2017
    • YouTube

    Part 1/3 - What does it mean to be creative? Whether you're a creative artist, scientist, mathematician, musician...what is it? Aesthetics, neurology, and the philosophy of creativity combine to reveal the secret of original and valuable thinking!

  • S2017E06 How to be Creative: 3 Tips

    • February 24, 2017
    • YouTube

    Part 2/3 - Philosophers like Kant and Plato think you can't teach creativity, but there are three rules you can use to stimulate your unconscious mind and get the creative juices flowing!

  • S2017E07 Creativity, Sadness, & Anxiety

    • March 3, 2017
    • YouTube

    Part 3/3 - Some creative people feel of sadness, anxiety, depression, even Imposter Syndrome. Is there a link between art and sadness, or even mental illness? Is it something in the brain? In the heart? Something to do with Marxist economics and capitalism?

  • S2017E08 White Supremacist Propaganda Vs Truth

    • March 24, 2017
    • YouTube

    We need to understand how white supremacist propaganda works and what it tells us about communication and truth. Let’s look at the myth of the Irish Slaves, and the myth of White Genocide…

  • S2017E09 1984 & Language

    • March 31, 2017
    • YouTube

    Nineteen Eighty-Four is a famous dystopian novel by George Orwell, and it’s a very useful teaching tool for learning about language and justice. What moral issues come up when we talk about words, knowledge, and who has access to them?

  • S2017E10 Critiquing Slavoj Žižek's "Violence"

    • April 21, 2017
    • YouTube

    Here’s a video examining Slavoj Žižek’s book “Violence” in a bit more detail. It’s got some interesting things to say about politics, democracy, and capitalism, but there’s some problems too.

  • S2017E11 What is Fame?

    • April 28, 2017
    • YouTube

    What does it mean to be a famous celebrity? Is fame about knowledge, success, money, or ambition? What can we learn about fame from legends like Che Guevara and Jesus, or philosophers like Schopenhauer? Does capitalism shape fame in the modern age?

  • S2017E12 Crime, Law, & Punishment

    • May 12, 2017
    • YouTube

    When people break the law they get arrested by the police and punished by the courts - prison, a fine, whatever. But why? What's the philosophical purpose of legal punishment? Does it benefit society, and if so how exactly? Is it moral? Let's compare consequentialism and retributivism.

  • S2017E13 Foucault: Crime, Police, & Power

    • May 19, 2017
    • YouTube

    Part 1/2 - What is prison for? How has crime and punishment changed in the last 250 years? Philosopher Michel Foucault says the penal system - that's law, courts, police, surveillance - exists to protect the power of the ruling class, but what does that mean?

  • S2017E14 Foucault 2: Government Surveillance & Prison

    • May 26, 2017
    • YouTube

    Part 2/2 - More Foucault! A look at Jeremy Bentham's prison, the Panopticon, and what it says about Edward Snowden, cyber-security, government surveillance. Also discussing Stop & Search by the police in the UK, and what it says about power and spying.

  • S2017E15 "Law & Order" and Civil Disobedience

    • June 2, 2017
    • YouTube

    What does “law and order” really mean? What can we learn about history and politics from it? And do you always have to obey the law?

  • S2017E16 Berkeley's Idealism

    • June 23, 2017
    • YouTube

    George Berkeley was a philosopher who denied the existence of the physical world – an Idealist! If you’re studying A-Level philosophy you’ll need to know this important bit of metaphysics!

  • S2017E17 Locke: State of Nature & the New World

    • June 30, 2017
    • YouTube

    The Enlightenment philosophy of John Locke made America and Canada what they are today, and helped forge the British Empire too. History reveals a tale of racism, colonialism, and First Nation genocide; of law, politics, property, and land. The legacy of “the State of Nature.”

  • S2017E18 Is it Ever Okay to Lie?

    • July 21, 2017
    • YouTube

    Is lying ever okay? Not according to philosopher Immanuel Kant, who said that we should always tell the truth no matter the consequences!

  • S2017E19 Refugees & Human Rights Part 1: Crisis & War

    • August 4, 2017
    • YouTube

    This 2-part series looks at what human rights can do for refugees and migrants. In this Part 1, hear the story about the refugee crisis that followed WWI, and what happened to Europe when racism and greed combined…

  • S2017E20 Refugees & Human Rights Part 2: The Future

    • August 11, 2017
    • YouTube

    This 2-part series looks at what human rights can do for refugees and migrants. In this Part 2, hear about how human rights are supposed to work, and what some alternative ideas might be.

  • S2017E21 Religion: Truth & Belief

    • August 25, 2017
    • YouTube

    God and truth, science and religion, belief and madness - what do the philosophers Anthony Flew, R.M. Hare, and Søren Kierkegaard have to say about these topics?

  • S2017E22 Do Racists Just "Love Their Country?"

    • September 1, 2017
    • YouTube

    How does "love" figure into politics? White supremacists and racists like the Ku Klux Klan will sometimes insist that they aren't hate groups, but love groups. But what kind of "love" is it? Is it true love, or just narcissism?

  • S2017E23 What If Time Stopped?

    • September 8, 2017
    • YouTube

    Does it make sense to talk about time passing, or time standing still? What do physics and metaphysics say about the philosophy of time?

  • S2017E24 What Was Liberalism? #1 Ideology & Violence

    • September 22, 2017
    • YouTube

    A 4-part series about liberalism. In this episode, how political ideologies work, the role of violence in politics, how liberalism makes exceptions, and how it markets itself as “centrist” and “reasonable.”

  • S2017E25 What Was Liberalism? #2 Capitalism & History

    • September 29, 2017
    • YouTube

    A 4-part series about liberalism. In this episode, what capitalism is, how capitalism and liberalism are linked, and how the English Civil War led to John Locke.

  • S2017E26 What Was Liberalism? #3 Neoliberalism

    • October 6, 2017
    • YouTube

    A 4-part series about liberalism. In this episode, the economic ideology of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, that led to austerity and the financial crisis.

  • S2017E27 What Was Liberalism? #4 Three Problems with Liberalism

    • October 14, 2017
    • YouTube

    A 4-part series about liberalism. In this episode, 3 big problems with liberalism: it slides to the right; it's wrong about how humans make decisions; and it supports capitalism.

  • S2017E28 Bullying & Harassment on YouTube

    • November 3, 2017
    • YouTube

    Here’s the start of a brand new series - the Philosophy of YouTube! In this first instalment I talk about bullying online, and the role of emotion in discourse!

  • S2017E29 Discussing "Antifa: the Antifascist Handbook"

    • November 10, 2017
    • YouTube

    Mark Bray's new book "Antifa: the Antifascist Handbook" came out recently, and so here's my impressions of it!

  • S2017E30 YouTube is Not Expressive

    • November 17, 2017
    • YouTube

    In this second instalment of the Philosophy of YouTube I talk about art and creativity, and how advertisers take advantage of the distinction between expression and communication!

  • S2017E31 The Philosophy of Antifa

    • December 1, 2017
    • YouTube

  • S2017E32 YouTube Makes Us More Responsible

    • December 22, 2017
    • YouTube

    In this third instalment of the Philosophy of YouTube I talk about knowledge and morality, access to information, and how the Internet might complicate what we think about responsibility....

  • S2017E33 The YouTube Community is Imaginary

    • December 29, 2017
    • YouTube

    In this fourth instalment of the Philosophy of YouTube I talk about how communities are constructed - whether through common languages or editing styles - and the barriers to entry

Season 2018

  • S2018E01 Are You Rational? #1 Are You Motivated?

    • January 12, 2018
    • YouTube

    Part 1 in a new 4-part series; what does it mean to be rational? To have a reason to do something? What does that tell us about law enforcement and artificial intelligence?

  • S2018E02 Are You Rational? #2 Are You Moral?

    • January 19, 2018
    • YouTube

    Part 2: Continuing our discussion of what rationality is, let's talk about moral reasons, and what happens if someone just wants to be bad!

  • S2018E03 Are You Rational? #3 Are You Emotional?

    • January 26, 2018
    • YouTube

    Part 3: Are feels and reals really so different? Why have reason and emotion historically been opposed? Why is it that women and subalterns have been assigned emotionality and irrationality?

  • S2018E04 Are You Rational? #4 Are You Open Minded?

    • February 2, 2018
    • YouTube

    Part 4: What does it mean to be open minded? How can art and creativity help us make more people open minded? How can we make socially conscious art?

  • S2018E05 African Philosophy & the Enlightenment

    • February 23, 2018
    • YouTube

    Ethiopian philosopher Zera Yacob came up with philosophy that prefigured Enlightenment thinkers Hume, Descartes, Locke, Kant, and the US Founding Fathers! Once lost to history, now his ideas about God and ethics can be celebrated and learned!

  • S2018E06 YouTube Will End Someday

    • March 2, 2018
    • YouTube

    In the fifth instalment of the Philosophy of YouTube I talk about how YouTube might end, and what that possible end might teach us about where it's going now.

  • S2018E07 The Ethics of Self-Driving Cars

    • March 16, 2018
    • YouTube

    Does the Trolley Problem tell us anything about self-driving cars? What are the moral, legal, or ethical issues thrown up by autonomous vehicles? Should we be more critical of corporations like Uber?

  • S2018E08 Could You Upload Your Mind Into A Computer?

    • March 30, 2018
    • YouTube

    Biology meets computer science meets philosophy! Following a discussion between Antonio Damasio and Aubrey de Grey I was inspired to talk about minds and brains, computers, artificial intelligence, and technology!

  • S2018E09 Is YouTube Like the Printing Press?

    • April 6, 2018
    • YouTube

    Does YouTube shape YouTubers, or do YouTubers shape YouTube? And can we compare the Internet to the printing press without doing bad history?

  • S2018E10 Flat Earth OR Why Do People Reject Science?

    • April 13, 2018
    • YouTube

    Why do some people believe the globe is flat? What is the philosophical position known as Direct Realism, and how can optical illusions help us learn about what science is?

  • S2018E11 Intro to Hegel (& Progressive Politics

    • April 27, 2018
    • YouTube

    This video explains the work of Hegel and Frantz Fanon, and explores how the Master & Slave Dialectic can help us understand identity politics.

  • S2018E12 Healthcare, Ethics, & Postmodernism

    • May 11, 2018
    • YouTube

    How can we ethically distribute healthcare resources? And what does Foucault have to do with it? How does biopolitics help us understand medical decision-making for smokers and fat people?

  • S2018E13 Intro to Plato

    • May 25, 2018
    • YouTube

    What are the Forms, and what do they do? What is the Allegory of the Cave? Here's bits and pieces from the Meno, the Parmenides, the Phaedo, and the Republic - all as an intro to Plato's metaphysics!

  • S2018E14 Should You Watch the News?

    • YouTube

    Aired June 15, 2018 The news is often so depressing and tough to watch, but do we have a moral duty to be informed about the world? How can we watch the news responsibly, telling the fake news from the real?

  • S2018E15 Why the Left Will Win

    • July 6, 2018
    • YouTube

    Disability studies can teach us a huge amount about political philosophy! Even though the right have gained ground, there's a fundamental ideological reason why the Left will win (or at least never fully lose...)

  • S2018E16 Are Rules Made to Be Broken?

    • July 20, 2018
    • YouTube

    Are the laws of the land made to be broken? How does philosophy, and activists like Rosa Parks, tell us what good and bad laws are?

  • S2018E17 Why Do I Hate My Self?

    • August 3, 2018
    • YouTube

    Self-hatred, anxiety, and internalised oppression can tell us a lot about the philosophy of mind... Have you been hearing voices?

  • S2018E18 What is Solitary Confinement Like?

    • August 17, 2018
    • YouTube

    In order to explain what solitary does to prisoners, we might need a whole new theory of mind...

  • S2018E19 Elon Musk

    • August 31, 2018
    • YouTube

    It's Elon Musk Vs Slavoj Žižek in the war for ironic counterculture. Whoever wins, we lose...

  • S2018E20 When Will Security Go Back to Normal?

    • September 14, 2018
    • YouTube

    9/11 and the War on Terror changed a lot. Will it ever change back?

  • S2018E21 Suic!de and Ment@l He@lth

    • September 28, 2018
    • YouTube

    Who decides what a ment@l illness is? Is suic!dality always a sign of insanity? ★★★

  • S2018E22 Transphobia: An Analysis

    • October 12, 2018
    • YouTube

    Ancient Greek Scepticism is back, and this time it’s personal.

  • S2018E23 Witchcraft, Gender, & Marxism

    • October 26, 2018
    • YouTube

    Double, Double, Toil and Trouble...

  • S2018E24 Is Philosophy Just White Guys J3rk!ng Off?

    • November 9, 2018
    • YouTube

    With apologies to Australia

  • S2018E25 Reform or Revolution? An ASMR Guided Meditation

    • November 23, 2018
    • YouTube

  • S2018E26 YouTube: Art or Reality?

    • December 7, 2018
    • YouTube

    "So tell me about parasocial relationships."

  • S2018E27 Why Does Britain Still Have A Queen?

    • December 21, 2018
    • YouTube

    A Christmas story of weird waifus, rotten royals, and brave bisexuals

Season 2019

Season 2020

Season 2021

Season 2022

Season 2023

Season 2024

  • S2024E01 Why We Can’t Build Better Cities (ft. Not Just Bikes)

    • February 16, 2024
    • Nebula

    The building I was born in used to be a hospital - now it's luxury flats. Let's talk about how cities are developing, and the challenges to building better ones. We'll discuss gentrification, and then we'll pivot to talking about 15-minute conspiracy theories and the obstacles we face to thinking smarter about urban design.

  • S2024E02 The Most Misunderstood Philosopher in the World

    • May 9, 2024
    • Nebula

    I read as much of Judith Butler's work as I could. They're often misunderstood, the subject of HUGE backlash, and perhaps best known for their theory of gender performativity. On this episode we learn about what they said and why so many people get them wrong.

  • S2024E03 How Philosophers Confront Death

    • August 2, 2024
    • Nebula

    Death is certain: we don't like thinking about it but it's true! But on Philosophy Tube we think about everything, so this episode confronts death head-on. We talk about why individuals find it so difficult to think about and plan for the end, what happens to YouTubers' channels when we die, and from there we shift gears. This is a video about Gaza, and COVID, and climate change, because our refusal to think about death enables us to keep ignoring it on a mass scale, even when our societies are implicated in it. From there we go into some broader artistic reflections about the difficulty of making art (or indeed content) about dying.

  • S2024E04 TikTok Vs Democracy

    • October 8, 2024
    • Nebula

    Social media impacts democracy in huge ways beyond the obvious "fake news" and "free speech" issues. It restructures the economy around "surveillance capitalism" and changes the way we communicate. Democracy and elections need information to function, so what's the fallout from altering the public information space with digital technology?

Season 2025

  • S2025E01 Was Nietzsche Woke?

    • January 30, 2025

    An examination of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, putting him in his historical context and asking the big questions like, "Yo, this guy woke?"

  • S2025E02 Was Nietzsche MAGA?

    • February 14, 2025

    Continuing our exploration of Friedrich Nietzsche, we apply his work to Donald Trump and the MAGA movement to learn about the Will to Power and Antimodernism.

Additional Specials