• TheTVDB.com Season ID 817259
  • Created July 4, 2019
  • Modified July 4, 2019
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 What is Philosophy 30
S01E02 What is Religion 30
S01E03 What is Philosophy of Religion 30
S01E04 How is the Word ''God'' Generally Used 30
S01E05 How Do Various Theists Use the Word ''God'' 30
S01E06 What is Knowledge 30
S01E07 What Kinds of Evidence Count 30
S01E08 What Constitutes Good Evidence 30
S01E09 Why Argue for the Existence of God 30
S01E10 How Ontological Argument Works 30
S01E11 Why Ontological Argument is Said to Fail 30
S01E12 How Cosmological Argument Works 30
S01E13 Why Cosmological Argument is Said to Fail 30
S01E14 How Teleological Argument Works 30
S01E15 How Teleological Argument Works (continued) 30
S01E17 Divine Encounters Make Argument Unnecessary 30
S01E18 Divine Encounters Require Interpretation 30
S01E19 Why is Evil a Problem 30
S01E20 Taking Evil Seriously 30
S01E21 Non-Justificatory Theodicies 30
S01E22 Justifying Evil 30
S01E23 Justifying Natural Evil 30
S01E24 Justifying Human Evil 30
S01E25 Evidence is Irrelevant to Faith 30
S01E26 Groundless Faith is Irrelevant to Life 30
S01E27 God is Beyond Human Grasp, But That's O.K. 30
S01E28 Transcendental Talk is Sound and Fury 30
S01E29 Discourse in an Intentionalist Paradigm 30
S01E30 Evaluating Paradigms 30
S01E31 Choosing and Changing Paradigms 30
S01E32 Language Games and Theistic Discourse 30
S01E33 Fabulation—Theism as Story 30
S01E34 Theistic Stories, Morality, and Culture 30
S01E35 Stories, Moral Progress, and Culture Reform 30
S01E36 Conclusions and Signposts 30
S01E99 About the professor 30

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