“I think it’s the car that put Lamborghini on the map,” says Dennis Varni, and we’d have to agree. Owner of a stunning Miura P400 S since 1979, Varni is an enthusiast with varied tastes, from Bonneville Salt Flats racers to a Fiat Topolino. But the Miura…the Miura is in a league of its own. It’s also something that he’d lusted after since he first laid eyes upon one. “These things were $19,000 new in those days, and I’d just bought a house with my wife for $11,000 in 1966, and I said, ‘I’ll never be able to own one of these’.” But less than a decade later, he did. And as a long-time owner who was originally into hot rods, he’s enjoyed how the car has opened his eyes into a world of European sports cars.