When Paul Cressey hits the track at Laguna Seca for the Monterey Historic races in his 1959 Peerless GT, he faces plenty of tough competition. For Paul, however, that competition is especially person, including as it does his father, Ron, who is known for running his own 1959 Corvette in the same race. When the two find themselves back at their home garage, it's thus hardly surprising that the conversation quickly turns to who ran the fastest and most consistent lap times. Paul was but a few years old when Ron, a longtime VARA racing instructor, spotted a Peerless GT atop an open transporter. That Ron even knew what he was looking at it is a testament to his car knowledge: Peerless, after all, existed for a mere three years in the late 1950s before going kaput. After persuading the owner to part with the car, Ron took the next five years to restore it -- and its Triumph TR3 internals -- to its current condition, hoping all the while that young Paul would one day race it.