Pet Star Number: 323 - 463 - 5040 Pets: 1. Nick the irish wolf-hound - catchs fribees fast (30) 2. Minutee the poodle - walks on front legs/dancing (23) 3. Sailor the Golden Reterrier - gets chips, beer, roll (27) 4. Bakary the bull - steps on box, circles, and bows (25) 5. Echo the parrot - talks, sings, and speaks spanish (30) 6. Pentunia the pig - Recycle cans and bottles (27) 7. Flik the german Shepard - Police Work (30) 8. Blitzen's Orea the border Collie - hides in box, plays dead (28) Fianlists: 1. Nick 2. Echo 3. Flik Winner: Echo