Penn explains his Kevin Bacon movie night tradition and the puzzling film, Seventh Seal.
Penn introduces us to his favorite living novelist of all time, Nicholas Baker.
Penn finishes up his latest Penn Point on Nicholson Baker's Human Smoke.
Penn finally talks about the mosque construction near Ground Zero thanks to your persistent commenting!
Penn is caught in Glenn Beck's controversy after he holds a contentious rally on Martin Luther King Day.
If a Koran burning could cause deaths abroad -- as General Petraeus claims -- then should we prevent it? Should book burning be banned altogether?
Penn Jillette revisits his time on Dancing with the Stars as the 2010 season begins with Bristol Palin and The Situation.
If you can't use the r-word, what can you use?
Penn gets hate mail because of his associations with Glenn Beck. Penn responds.
Penn speculates about the missing trombone scene in Piranha 3D and explores the pros and cons of 3D tits.
There is a guy with the last name "Crimefighter" -- for a legitimate reason.
Penn explains how a 1st Amendment attorney's opinion is how book burners are like Hitler.
Penn tweeted "imagine no religion" on September 11 and here's the response he received.
If you thought the audience boos for Sarah Palin and Jennifer Grey were bad timing, then you should see the rest of the show...
Penn explains the conspiracy theories that he gets entangled in just by producing his show, Penn & Teller: Bullshit.
Penn appeared in the original Wall Street... and at the Wall Street 2 premiere party.
Penn reacts to cartoonist Molly Norris's unfortunate fate. The FBI advised her to change her name and disappear.
The pope is being accused of linking atheists to Nazis, so Penn tells Pope Benedict what he thinks.
Well, the show is actually called "The Last Word" -- but Penn was on a test episode where he agreed with the politics and beliefs of a real witch.
Penn explains the science behind the Red Sea parting and why it's insane that a religious person would be behind the study.
Penn's smart. He's got smart friends. What does he think of P2P file-sharin
Penn takes us from the movie talhotblond to the mitigating circumstances around murder in a nano second. Typical. The movie is a documentary on questionable parental behavior filled with deception, beauty and murder. All the makings of the perfect rant about how we should not kill or lie to our children.
Penn talks about watching American Werewolf in London on his iPhone and insults the director. Penn loves the movie and can't stop raving about the cinematic beauty and story lines. Penn proves an iPhone can capture movie greats without missing any of the screen. John Landis should be proud.
Penn has a love hate relationship with the series of Mad Men. Penn loves to watch the very addictive show every week but doesn't know why, is it the 60's, the music, the smoking and drinking, Don Draper? Come find out.
Is Facebook violating your privacy? Or is Facebook just a business that the government should stay out. You are only as private as you want to be.
Do you know if you are being watched? Look, shows you how often cameras are on us all day long. This series demonstrates how surveillance cameras captures the human condition in the day to day world.
Penn talks about how religion and halloween have crossed paths. Penn defends those who don't celebrate halloween.
Penn takes on Tom Hanks at the Night of Too Many Stars. Not only does he fool callers in believing he is Tom Hanks he does it in front of Tom Hanks.
Penn recruits George Clooney next on his list to mess with callers at the Night of Too Many Stars Telethon part 2. Can Penn convenience callers that the real George Clooney is on the phone?
Penn shares his own Bully experience as a big gay guy in school. Penn also questions why bullies do not come forward to admit they were bullies!
Penn explains that government is not going to make things better, when you get older life gets better.
Penn's position on Sisterwives, government should stay out of the marriages business. The government does not need to know who you marry, why you marry, how many people you marry or to not marry at all.
Penn wants to defend Sarah Palin but just can't. Sarah Palin's recent tweets to Ann Coulter's comments are just another stupid move Sarah Palin does that Penn can not get behind.
Penn doesn't care if you smoke and knows that graphic pictures or sending out scary information will not get people to quit.
Penn thinks that S.E. Cupp is really good looking but she confuses the fuck out of people. How can a woman so pretty be so mixed up?
Penn delivers a book report on "Was This Man a Genius?: Talks with Andy Kaufman" Julie Hecht interviews Andy Kaufman, trying (and mostly failing) to get a straight answer out of the notoriously evasive comedian.
Penn has a startling encounter with Al Pacino and drools over ingenue Lily Rabe. Who says Shakespeare ain't for dummies?
A recently discovered letter, written by Albert Einstein, demonstrates Einstein's views on religion, God, and the "Chosen" status of the Jewish people. [SPOILER!] He thinks it's all "an incarnation of the most childish superstition."
Penn feels intense compassion for several ministers who have come out of the closet as Atheists. Apparently, they actually read the Bible and realized how immensely ludicrous it all is.
The Atheist's dilemma: is Christmas just a crass commercial shill, or a bullshit celebration of Baby Jesus?
In yet another battle of the ongoing War Against Christmas, the American Atheists take to the streets. Fox News is there to save Baby Jesus from these vile fiends.
In darkest New England, a tribe of elderly female churchgoers conduct a secret rite every Sunday. The result: coffee jello. Seven times stronger than the purest methamphetamine, this noxious substance and its use have finally come to light.
Changing your profile picture on Facebook to a cartoon character to raise awareness for child abuse is the stupidest @##@ing idea ever.
Scientists have discovered Arsenic-based life on Earth. On other planets? Not so much.
Economy in collapse. Unemployment soaring. US govt. to the rescue with... TV commercial volume level laws???
Richard Milhous Nixon. America's BEST president... or America's BESTEST president?
The It Gets Better campaign has one flaw: implying that suicide is a rational response to bullying.
Should the government use taxpayers' money to support controversial art?
Bullshit Changes the Life of a Tarot Card Scammer
Who is more self-deluded, Snookie or Joy Behar? The answer may surprise you/be really inconsequential in the greater scheme of things.
Holly Madison and David Copperfield work some magic on Penn.
Hyperbole, passion, and metaphor are beautiful parts of rhetoric. The marketplace of ideas can not be toned down for the insane.
Human nature drives us to search for deeper meaning, but maybe it's just the shooter's fault.
When the Measles Epidemic of 2020 wipes out humanity, blame this bimbo.
By 2020, the US will have to run everything for 8 cents on the dollar.
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
9 out of 10 hot teen lesbians agree: your life will become a wonderland filled with rainbows and unicorns if you buy stuff from our sponsors.
Grammar lessons! Dick jokes! This episode has it all.
Science fact: Hair really does squeak when it's clean. Especially nubile high school girl hair.
This mime doesn't suck. Except when he's miming Anna Nicole Smith.
Which news reader for the iPad is the best? None of them.
A company in the UK has developed the latest weapon in the war against crime: an army of bored internet users watching store security cameras from home. This cannot possibly go wrong.
Thirst. If you drink enough homeopathic medicine, you will be less thirsty. For anything else, take something real.
In this shocking expose, Penn reveals the secret truth behind... his name.
When is it appropriate to shout at the top of your voice, "THERE IS NO GOD! THERE IS NO GOD!"?
Penn puts Paul and Bob in the ring! Paul McCartney is clean, healthy and plays to perfection. Bob is a character, cowboy hat, pencil stick mustache and full of celebrated wrinkles and chord changes on a dime. Bob reinvents his music in the moment while Paul honors the legacy of his music. Which one do you like?
Penn reflects on his humble beginnings as a street performer, and how he eventually became a street performer AND author with a live show on the Vegas strip.
If there is one reason to see this film, it is that you get to see Liv Tyler naked. But there are some other good reasons to see The Ledge, too.
Put the kids away because this gets raunchy. Raunchy doesn't have to mean trashy. Penn showcases some of the dirtiest, naughtiest lines you'll ever hear outside of hardcore porn. But you'll find that they are surprisingly lyrical and interesting, too!
It's not just Bachmann and Rick Perry! Why do politicians in America HAVE to be Christian? Or at least claim they are? Penn explains why "Christian" is the magic word in politics.