Himari has a strange dream in which she meets a man named Sanetoshi, who shows her various books containing her memories. In elementary school, she formed a group called Triple-H with her best friends, Hibari and Hikari. When she argued with her mother over buying a wrong ribbon, her mother became scarred from a falling mirror, she and her friends tried to kill a koi for its blood to heal her mother. She left elementary school due to her illness whilst her friends went on to become idols. Upon waking up after vaguely recollecting a soulmate she once had, Himari hears from Ringo about Shoma's accident.
Himari sta facendo un sogno, ambientato nell'acquario di Ikebukuro pochi istanti prima del suo collasso. Mentre Shōma è in coda alla cassa del negozio di souvenir lei segue il pinguino 3. che aveva visto pochi istanti prima nella vasca dei pinguini; tra gli spettatori nota un bambino con indosso un cappello uguale a quello che Shōma sta comprando per lei.