We meet the feathered residents of the Penguin Cafe, a cluster of 'love nests' behind the busy Phillip Island tourist centre, where perennial bachelor Rocky and the determined yet slightly dim-witted Spike vie for the attention of the passing females as they attempt to attract a mate - including recent divorcee Tash.
A punishing heatwave hits the island. As bushfires are raging around the state, penguins are collapsing from heat, hunger and exhaustion. The penguin study group finds many heat-stressed penguins and, as the animal hospital fills with overheated wildlife, rangers work to rehydrate and cool the little penguins in a battle to save their lives.
Unlucky-in-love Rocky finally finds a mate in Jess, whose previous clutch of chicks has died. However, it is very late in the season to be raising chicks before the little penguins' annual moult prevents them going to sea. In the burrow next door, Spike and Tash’s chicks already are preparing to head off on their own.
Rocky and Jess's lone surviving chick Tilda is not yet big enough to feed herself and is anxiously awaiting the return of her parents. At sea a leaking oil tanker has disastrous consequences for the little penguins and wildlife carer Marg Healy demonstrates how tiny knitted jumpers help to prevent the little penguins from ingesting toxic fuel.