Noa isn't moving, so Hiromi moves his carrier back, out of reach of the Griffin. Meanwhile Shinshi rams the Griffin with his carrier to enable Hiromi and Noa to escape. Noa's Labor is now totally out of power. She needs to recharge her batteries fast. Unfortunately, the Griffin has gotten past Shinshi, who tries to block it, but feels the Griffin's wrath for his trouble. The Griffin runs after the escaping carrier, but Kanuka arrives in the nick of time and starts fighting it. Sakaki has also arrived in machine 3's carrier with a new set of batteries for Noa. Kanuka needs to hold off the Griffin until Noa can change her batteries.
Lo scontro tra Noa ed il Griffon si avvia alla conclusione. Takeo ritrova Utsumi dopo i loro trascorsi ad Hong Kong ma non riesce ad arrestarlo.
Noa está en apuros, la batería de su Labor se ha quedado sin carga. Shinshi trata de embestir al Griffin desviando su atención de su compañera indefensa, poniéndose a sí mismo en grave peligro. Con el Ingram totalmente descargado, necesita ganar tiempo para cargar sus baterías y volver al combate, mientras Shinshi contiene al brutal Labor como puede.