A truck at a gas station is stolen, but when the attendant tells a passing police man, the driver of the truck doesn't want the police chase after it. The police suspect something fishy is going on and arrest him. He is in fact a member the terrorist group "Beach House". He stole the truck which was carrying a Labor from the Tokyo Labor show. The SV2 attempt to capture the truck in front of a tunnel, but the truck escapes with the help of the terrorist in the Labor, who breaks trough the trailer after not being able to get into contact with his friend in the truck. Later, the man who stole the truck drives off the highway only to discover that he is helping a terrorist. The theft of the truck from the petrol station was just a opportunistic crime to get a ride home. He's just a seasonal worker that doesn't want to be involved in this. Unfortunately for them Shaft will do anything to stop the truck and it's contents.
体制を整え、トレイラーを待ち受ける第2小隊。だが、野明がその操縦席に見たものは、とても悪人には見えない中年男だけであった。一瞬、躊躇する野明。しかし、そのとき突如として荷台のコンテナから1台のレイバーが出現する。<TYPE7 ブロッケン>、SEE製の純然たる軍用品である。予想外のことに、連携を乱してしまう野明と太田。トレーラーはその虚を突き、逃走した。