When a mom and her daughter finally escape the clutches of an abusive husband and father, he dies suddenly and comes back as a ghost.
A California family man is horrified to discover that the threatening messages on his phone are coming from the other side.
When a 7 year old girl mysteriously disappears by a remote pond in North Carolina, the life of one of her classmates is forever altered.
When a young student moves in with her boyfriend she finds a mysterious padded room in the basement and is targeted by a vengeful entity that is possessive of her boyfriend. Later, when a year old Cleveland boy cleans out the basement of his new home, he stirs up the fury of a former resident who stops at nothing to get back at the boy for what he's done.
When a history-loving Connecticut man and his husband buy a 200-year-old house and convert it to a B&B, they encounter a raft of spirits; when a firefighter rents an apartment above an old boarding house he is attacked by a spirit seeking revenge.
When a young couple with a newborn baby move into a suburb in Las Vegas, an uninvited female spirit also moves in seeking revenge for something Jonathan did years ago. Later, when a hypnotherapist moves into a new office building in Florida, an entity seeking revenge for being given a life sentence comes back from the grave to torment her.
When a woman and her husband buy a famous historical mansion in New Hampshire, they inherit a spirit along with it, and she has it out for the lady of the house. Later, when a North Carolina father builds a dream house for his family, he finds out on Halloween night that he's upset something terrifying, and his dream turns into a revenge nightmare.