Durch die Informationen von Makoto kommt die Polizei auf die Spur einer obdachlosen Frau. Angeblich war sie die letzte Person, die Tsukiko vor dem Anschlag gesehen hat. Die Polizisten sind über ihre Aussagen äußerst verblüfft. (Text: Animax)
Ikari and Maniwa find the old homeless woman while a typhoon is about to make landfall. There they discover something from the old women that that turns the whole case around. Meanwhile, Taeko is reminiscing over her life. We learn that she was poor when growing up and was really attached to her father, Masami Hirukawa (the police officer from A Man's Path). However, not that surprisingly but quite disturbing, Taeko discovers a dirty little secret while leaving her father a present. This explains why she is wandering around the city despite the typhoon warnings. At the police station, Ikari and Maniwa are questioning Tsukiko again and try to make her tell what realy happened that night. As for poor Taeko, she is about to throw herself into a torrent of rushing water when she sees herself in the torrent. She realizes that it was the old lady who gets swept down stream. Taeko collapses and weeps as her father desperately calls her. Suddenly, Lil' Slugger appears and hits Taeko while Tsukiko collapses and falls to the floor.
Ikari et Maniwa sont parvenus à retrouver la vieille femme témoin de l'agression de Tsukiko. Cependant la vieille SDF prétend ne jamais avoir vu d'agresseur...
Ikari e Maniwa continuano le loro indagini, fino a trovare un testimone oculare dell'aggressione della prima vittima, Tsukiko, che interrogano nuovamente. Nel frattempo una giovane ragazza, Taeko, vaga per Tokio ricordando la propria storia e la scoperta di come il padre avesse pensieri e segreti morbosi su di lei.
Ikari y Maniwa, la pareja policía, encuentran a una anciana mujer testigo de uno de los ataques del “chico del Bate”. Sus revelaciones dan un giro drástico a la investigación. Por otro lado, Taeko, la hija del policía corrupto, analiza su vida y su “triste” infancia. Y de manera sorprendente, el “chico del bate” aparece de nuevo para “curar” a Taeko