Tonya's mom comes to India and hooks up with Charlie while Todd and Tonya butt heads over Asha; Madhuri tells Gupta his lifeline is short, leading him to undergo a karmic cleanse.
La madre di Tonya è di nuovo in città e Todd è determinato a fare una buona impressione ma finisce in una brutta situazione quando scopre un segreto che la riguarda. Intanto GUpta scopre che Madhuri legge la mano e la prega di leggere la sua e in seguito a questa 'lettura' cambia drasticamente stile di vita.
When Todd learns that Tonya's mom is back in town for another visit, he is determined to go out of his way to make a better impression. However, Todd is put in a difficult position when he discovers a secret about Tonya's mom. Meanwhile, Madhuri begins reading the call center workers' palms and not everyone likes what she has to say.