The premiere episode follows Northern Territory Coroner Greg Cavanagh, as he investigates the mysterious death of 17-year-old Ben Witham, a death attributed to arsenic poisoning at Witham’s family home, the Mount Bundy Cattle Station. As Cavanagh is forced to close down the cattle station, a popular tourist destination, what he goes on to uncover during his inquisition is truly astonishing, bringing in to question the validity of two previous government investigations across two state borders that nearly destroyed the grieving Witham family and crippled their business
Recently there has been a cluster of cases that have caught the attention of Broken Hill Magistrate Geoff Dunlevy. This is the case of Bryan Gadd whose car was crashed and left the highway. Bryan was nowhere to be found.
Regional Coroner Michael Holmes looks into a boating accident where Jane Clitheroe and four-year-old Elizabeth Tucker both drowned when the boat they were travelling in capsized.
NSW Deputy State Coroners Paul MacMahon and Hugh Dillon look into two missing persons’ cases. Farmer Wayne Cooke disappeared from his property in 2001, then, 18-year-old Rosie Howell disappeared in 2003.