After her father writes his newspaper column on her losing tug-of-war with a too-tight dress and humiliates her in public, Kale realizes she needs to get more control over her life. But when she retaliates by making one of her dad's most embarrassing moments public, things only spiral even more out of control.
After accidentally having a steamy dream about her least lustable teacher, Kale must choose between a bovine role in the school play and facing her nightmare's leading man -- and strangely, she discovers her true passion along the way. Meanwhile, Mary-E revels in religious cheese.
Trying to be courageous for her zine, Kale decides to interview an actual insane person but chickens out at the last moment. Meanwhile, Ethan assaults the family with bad jokes as he works toward his first stand-up gig.
When Kale gets a job at a health food store, she runs up against a very broke and very unpleasant co-worker which makes her ask: just because someone's poor, does that mean you have to like them? Meanwhile, Kale and Mary-E speculate about Ross's sexuality.
When Perfectly Frank shows up at school making a really iffy fashion statement and Kale's crush on him wanes, she wonders if she's actually shallow. Meanwhile, sparks between Mary-E and Ethan send everyone into a tailspin.
With the family Christmas card portrait coming up, Kale knows Ethan's going to play his yearly prank on her and make her look ridiculous in the picture. So this time she vows to get him before he can get her. Meanwhile, Ross's visit to an internet pal makes the issue of his sexuality much clearer.
Kale sets up Mary E with a zinewriter friend, who's a dumpster diver by trade, and is horrified when it actually works out. Meanwhile, Ross shockingly discovers an interest in girls - and children.
Kale loses her balance and falls for Bill, the deadbeat copy store guy. Meanwhile, cancer-stricken Gordon haunts Kale at the health food store and comes dangerously close to bursting her love bubble.
Stupid Kale has to present a stupid problem in her stupid physics class, and she sets off a domino-effect of stupidity that touches everyone around her. Meanwhile, stupid Mary-E has morning sickness, and stupid Ross sets himself up to be hate-crimed.
When Bill's drug habit comes between he and Kale, she must choose between her reformed boyfriend and helping Gordon's worsening condition. Meanwhile, Mary-E and Dalal share close quarters as they both vie to win a new Volkswagen bug.
Fed-up with Bill's bad boyfriend ways, Mary-E stages an intervention to get Kale to stop dating the cad and seriously tests their friendship. Meanwhile, Kale's mom has a breakdown over a time capsule she and Kale's dad buried twenty-five years ago.
When Bill tells Kale he loves her, they celebrate in a way that leaves Kale's head spinning and privates itching. Meanwhile, Mary-E discovers a miracle in her local coffee shop.
As Kale struggles through life without Bill, Ethan helps her discover there are more important things in life than being loved by a jerk. Meanwhile, will Ross's and Dalal's attempt to cheer Kale up turn them into social deviants? Surely not!
Let's face it: a friend's untimely death can be cruel, innervating, and downright spooky. But it's nothing a little hallucination can't cure! As Kale struggles to cope with Gordon's death and searches for some meaning in it all, at a zine show Ross comes face to urinal with his long-time crush, George Lagogianes of CityTV.
Everywhere Kale looks, her life is haunted - no, stained - no, cursed, by ex-boyfriend, Bill. In a bid to escape toe constant reminder of his cheatin' heart, Kale and pals pile into her hand-me-down get-away car for a farm-party adventure. But it seems the car comes with more than a sticky stick-shift; it also comes with its own protester, a handsome-yet-maddening, Malachi. Meanwhile, Dad scrambles to save his marriage - again?!
After Kale receives a naked cowboy picture from one of her fans and then brings it to school to show her friends, she's accused of possessing pornography. Could things get any worse for her? Well, yes. Meanwhile, lonely Ross assembles his bile plot to end Mary-E and Dalal's constant public displays of affection.
When Kale joins Malachi's protest in the middle of a busy Toronto intersection, she's feeling really cool and dangerous in a stick-it-to-the-man, eco-guys-sure-are-hot sort of way. But will her royal screw-up prevent her from gettin' a little action? Not in our world! Meanwhile, Ross and Dalal try to avert disaster at school when naïve, well meaning, and deluded Mary-E plans a 'Niceness Day.'
Kale tries to rescue Bill's new girlfriend. Ethan conducts a comedy workshop. What, you wanted more from this description? This episode is comedy gold. You'll have to watch it to find out more.
Ever wonder what your parents were like before you were born? Yeah, so did Kale, and maybe you should take it from her: it's better to let those memories drift off on their little pyre down the Forgotten River than stir up old emotions and cringe-inducing album art. You can't handle the truth! Meanwhile, back at the b-story, Mary-E and Dalal's parents meet for the first time. Will it be a case of you say saviour, I say samosa?
This is the one where Kale wakes up the day after her eighteenth birthday in a strange motel room with a wicked hangover, a gun, and evidence of some kind of carnal relations. Remember that one? It has a nice twist.
We all have shameful moments in our lives, and Kale's hell-bent on making up for one of hers. But when Kale and Rollins volunteer at a pool, teaching swimming to children with special needs, wild animals weren't a part of the plan. Meanwhile, Ross gives left-wing Malachi a primer on conservative elitism. It's funnier than it sounds.
This is the hot episode, the one where Kale dances with Malachi at that party at Mary-E's house, and then other stuff happens, and she scandalizes everyone, including perhaps some audience members. But don't worry, she learns something in the end (though it may not be what you think).
Wow! Have you ever seen Kale so pissed off? Doubtful! Kale discovers a little something about Buddhism when she allows Malachi to work with her on her zine. Meanwhile, Joey tells one of Ethan's inappropriate jokes at the office and goes down like a lead misogynist.
If gaydar is like radar, sometimes the view can get clouded, by a low-lying nimbus or maybe by your own issues. As Kale and Ross try to determine Rollins' sexual orientation, they only prove one thing: Kale can embarrass herself like no one else; boys just don't care as much about toilet paper as girls; and karma just keeps on giving. Meanwhile, Ethan sells a joke to the Mike Bullard show and would be completely unlikable if things didn't turn out the way they do.
In this case, Kale should've hired a professional. Malachi gives Kale a tempting ultimatum. Ross must convince his grandparents to let him fix up their cottage for the summer. O.K. so we're being vague, but do you really want us to spoil the surprises? We didn't think so.
Baby squirrels, bad art, blood baths, brown paint, tightened airport security and the choice of a lifetime. All this plus more smooching and some really nice music! Kale says good-bye here and so do we.