"Trump Begins: The Dawn of the Donald," depicted the soon-to-be president-elect as a comic-book supervillain whose quest for office was sparked by "having his ego bashed by Barack Obama" at the 2011 White House correspondents' dinner.
Stephen Colbert interviews Cartoon Trump on the eve of his first State of the Union Address.
After the House of Representatives impeaches Cartoon Trump, he teams up with Cartoon Sean Hannity to convince the nation he’s been wrongly accused. Cartoon Elizabeth Warren worries her wonky approach won’t connect with Iowa voters and severely dumbs down her campaign with the help of Cartoon Brian Kilmeade, Cartoon Chris Cuomo, and Cartoon Joe Kennedy III.
After Cartoon Trump discovers that an impending economic downturn threatens his re-election chances, he and his sons, Cartoon Don Jr. and Cartoon Eric, must con the country into believing the economy has never been stronger. A gaffe-prone Cartoon Joe Biden solicits help from Cartoon Ocasio-Cortez to help him appear “with it.”
Fearing massive Democratic voter turnout, Cartoon Trump, with the help of Cartoon “Moscow” Mitch McConnell, guts election security measures, leaving the door wide open for Russian interference. Meanwhile, Cartoon Pete Buttigieg struggles to keep his campaign viable after the scandalous revelation that he’s only the mayor of South Bend, Indiana.
After Cartoon Michael Bloomberg’s campaign stumbles, he enlists Cartoon Hillary Clinton to take up the billionaire cause and launch a run for president. Meanwhile, Cartoon Kellyanne Conway and Cartoon Larry Kudlow grow tired of defending the president’s insanity and enlist Cartoon Elon Musk to create an Oval Office simulator to distract Cartoon Trump.
After Cartoon Trump learns he doesn't have enough money to pay his lawyers, he realizes he must fundraise from dreaded cartoon Silicon Valley tech moguls Zuckerberg, Musk and Bezos. Meanwhile, Cartoon Elizabeth Warren, also strapped for cash, swallows her pride and seeks help from Wall Street and Cartoon Michael Bloomberg.
With the pandemic ravaging the country and his reelection in jeopardy, Cartoon Trump launches a propaganda campaign to convince America he's got the crisis under control. Meanwhile, after social distancing guidelines force Cartoon Joe Biden out of the spotlight and into his basement, he enlists Cartoon Barack Obama to help him recapture his former glory.
Feeling overshadowed by the idolized Cartoon Bernie Sanders and Cartoon Barack Obama, Cartoon Joe Biden sets out to earn his place as the face of the Democratic Party. Meanwhile, Cartoon Don Jr. and Cartoon Eric Trump try to develop a miracle cure for coronavirus with the help of Cartoon MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell.
After Cartoon Joe Biden's record comes under scrutiny, Cartoon Kamala Harris must publicly forgive him for his problematic past, even if it tarnishes her own record in the process. Meanwhile, as Cartoon Mike Pence prepares for the imminent Vice Presidential debate, he struggles with the moral dilemma of studying intimate details of a woman who is not his wife.
After Cartoon Joe Biden delivers a string of problematic speeches, Cartoon Chuck Schumer and Cartoon Nancy Pelosi trap him on an Amtrak train to nowhere. Meanwhile, Cartoon Donald Trump Jr. tries to impress his father by digging up dirt on Cartoon Hunter Biden, but feelings interfere when Cartoon Don Jr. gets too close to his target.
With a restless nation turning against him, Cartoon Trump declares war on the invisible enemy COVID-19 and exploits the benefits of a wartime Presidency. Meanwhile, Cartoon CNN’s Chris Cuomo asks his respected colleague Cartoon Jake Tapper to teach him how to be a serious newsman, much to the dismay of Cuomo's fun-loving brother, Cartoon Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Cartoon Chuck Schumer and Cartoon Nancy Pelosi try to avoid the responsibilities of governing by sabotaging their own party's electoral chances when it appears the Democrats are likely to win control of Congress. Meanwhile, bombarded by reporters asking whether she supports the president, Cartoon Susan Collins flees to her home state of Maine to lead a life of zero accountability—until Cartoon Brett Kavanaugh foils her plan.