阿田突然宣佈出櫃, 公司眾人驚喜, 然而阿牧卻未有就此作出回應, 令同事誤會阿田單戀阿牧, 阿田百口莫辯。KK知道阿田不接受自己並非因為不喜歡男人, 再次燃起了希望, 誓要從阿牧手中奪回阿田。Francesca得悉KK將與阿田到台灣公幹, 決定充當KK的愛情軍師, 策動奪回阿田的作戰計劃。Francesca要KK好好發揮自己優點, 去打動阿田, 豈料阿田無動於衷。阿田與KK終於完成台灣的工作, 阿田卻突然收到阿牧的來電, 建議一起請假到大澳遊玩。
When KK learns that Tin is with Siu Muk, he's crushed but decides to pursue Tin again when Francesca encourages him not to give up. KK takes the opportunity to confess and asks Tin to give him a chance while they are in Taiwan for a business trip. While Tin is away, Siu Muk helps his sister to find a new house.