KK向Francesca坦率地剖白自己找到了真愛, 而此人正是阿田, Francesca一時未能接受, 倉皇離開。翌日, 阿田與阿牧在公司發現Darren的兒子, Darren卻淡然地打發他離開。其後, 二人得悉Darren的前妻即將帶著兒子移民;又知道男孩希望能再與父親參加親子羽毛球比賽, 阿田努力地牽引三人團聚, 阿牧卻若有所思...... 阿牧透露自己多年前實習時, 迷上了嚴厲苛刻的Darren, 二人發展地下情。及後牧發現Darren有家室毅然離職, 沒想到對方竟為了自己而離婚。阿牧有感自己拆散別人家庭, 一直耿耿於懷。親子羽毛球比賽當日, 阿牧說服Darren不要讓自己後悔錯過兒子離開前相處的最後機會, Darren決定趕到運動場與兒子合力比賽, 兒子終能完夢。
When KK plans to throw a birthday party for Tin, Tin comes up with an idea and gets Tze Chin to pretend to be his girlfriend. Tin runs into Darren's son, Ryan, while he's on his way to work. When he finds out that Darren is divorced and refuses to see his son, he and Siu Muk try to help mend their relationship. After Darren's incident, Tin finally makes up his mind to talk to KK.