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Season 1

  • S01E01 Painted Pups

    • March 6, 2012
    • Animal Planet

    In this first episode, we meet Marlice's family - husband Rudie, and son Zacheo. A new orphaned baby baboon with a foot injury arrives at Naankuse and Marlice treats her in the clinic. Back at home the two five month old leopard cubs are causing havoc in the house.

  • S01E02 Baby Baboons

    • Animal Planet

    At the entrance gate of Harnas some neighbors give a small orphaned baboon into the care of the orphanage.

  • S01E03 Signs in the Sand

    • Animal Planet

    When they lose the UHF signal from a collared leopard they had released in the desert, Marlice and Kiewiet, Naankuse's expert tracker, must look for the animal on foot.

  • S01E04 Cat Trouble

    • Animal Planet

    Marlice's day starts with the big and juvenile baboon troops, but a change in events take her to a neighboring farm to rescue a trapped leopard.

  • S01E05 The Big Relocate

    • Animal Planet

    Two male leopards and three lions have to swap enclosures - a dangerous exercise.

  • S01E06 Big Cats and Baby Baboons

    • Animal Planet

    Umbili and Shakira, the two leopard cubs, have been moved out of Marlice's house and into their own enclosure and it's time for the baby baboons to be introduced to the juvenile troop. Nature.

  • S01E07 New Born

    • Animal Planet

    A year has gone by since our last episode and a lot has changed at Naankuse. We meet Nicklai, Rudie and Marlice's five month old son. Zacheo now goes to school in Windhoek by bus. Umbili and Shakira have grown quite a bit and were moved to a bigger enclosure, Marlice still feeds them daily before checking up on the wild dogs. Nature.

  • S01E08 New Beginnings and Sad Endings

    • Animal Planet

    After almost two days of tracking a suspected poacher is apprehended on a neighboring farm, but matters turn for the worst when a snared cheetah is found dead. Nature is unforgiving.

  • S01E09 Operation Wild Dog

    • Animal Planet

    A wild dog with a snakebite wound and a caracal with a broken leg need attention before Marlice checks in on two cheetahs that will soon be released back into the wild.

  • S01E10 Cheetah Rescue

    • Animal Planet

    Three of the baby baboons are castrated, as Marlice doesn't want them to breed in captivity; and the next day she leaves for the northern part of Namibia to fetch two semi-tame cheetahs whose owner can't look after them any longer.

  • S01E11 Tooth Trouble and Game Count

    • Animal Planet

    Marlice and Rudie take a cheetah with a serious tooth condition to the vet and after the good rains that they have had it is time to do an aerial game count.

  • S01E12 Preparing for the Big Release

    • Animal Planet

    For their biggest release operation yet, Marlice and Rudie, with the help of others dart, collar and load seven cheetahs and one leopard - all in one day.

  • S01E13 The Big Release

    • Animal Planet

    In their biggest operation of this kind yet Rudie and Marlice release seven cheetahs and a leopard in two separate areas of Namibia, Africa.