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Season 1

  • S01E01 Episode 1

    • November 15, 2008
    • BBC ALBA

    Tro na linntean tha boireannaich air a bhi a' cuir am beatha an cèill tro na h-òrain Ghàidhlig. Tha fios co a sgrìobh cuid de na h-òrain ach tha gu leòr eile gun urra. Tha an t-sreath seo a' tarraing ri chèile taghadh de na h-òrain sin mar chuimhneachan oirre uile. Anns a chiad phrògram an taghadh aig Magaidh NicAonghais. Women, some known and some unknown, have contributed a great deal to the Gaelic song book down through the years, often offering an insight into their lives. With pieces selected and performed by female vocalists, this series celebrates their legacy. This week's featured artist is singer Maggie MacInnes who devised the song-cycle 'A Woman's Song'.

  • S01E02 Episode 2

    • BBC ALBA

    Sgrìob tro cuairt-beatha nam ban le tro cheòl is òrain. 'Sann air àm breith agus àm baistidh a tha sinn a cuir ar h-aghaidh an t-seachdain seo. Birth and baptism is the theme in tonight's programme, in a series inspired by the Gaelic poetry, songs and traditions of women in Scotland over the centuries to the present day.

  • S01E03 Episode 3

    • BBC ALBA

    Tha àm àrach agus trèorachadh ann am beatha nam ban fon phrosbaig an t-seachdain seo tron taghadh òrain is bhàrdachd aig Caitlin NicAonghais. The personal song and poetry choice of Kathleen MacInnes.