Ruffy liefert sich an Deck der Noah einen erbitterten Kampf mit Hody und schafft es schließlich nach dem Einsatz mehrerer Gum-Gum-Attacken und einem Haki, den Käpt’n der neuen Fischmenschen-Piraten außer Gefecht zu setzen. Die Schlacht scheint gewonnen. Chopper hat inzwischen seine Monster-Transformation in den Griff bekommen und kann nun drei Minuten lang in dieser kämpfen. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Hody recovers thanks to the Energy Steroids and manages to overwhelm Luffy and bite him again in the same spot. Luffy retorts with another Red Hawk, but Hody is still standing. Chopper reveals he now only needs one Rumble Ball for his Monster Point. Usopp, Franky, Sanji and Jinbe prepare to end things with their opponents. Luffy attacks Hody with Elephant Gun and Hody is sent crashing into the Noah and is finally defeated and wishes for the Noah to destroy the island and all the Fishman who've lost their pride. Brook finishes Zeo off. Usopp finishes Daruma off. Chopper finishes Dosun off with his claws. Franky blasts Ikaros Much with his laser beam. Jinbe sends Wadatsumi flying and Sanji finishes him off. Hyouzou attempts to attack Zoro from behind only for Zoro to counter and destroy his swords again and defeat him thinking he was a frog. Luffy uses Elephant Gatling on the ship and Hody is blasted out unconscious as Luffy attempts to destroy the ship.
Rufy ed Hody continuano il loro combattimento sulla Noah. L'uomo-pesce dimostra una resistenza e una forza che sembrano inesauribili e pare mettere in difficoltà Rufy. Quest'ultimo, però, utilizzando l'Ambizione combinata con il Gear Third, colpisce l'avversario con l'Elephant Gatling mettendolo definitivamente al tappeto.
Mientras el arca Noah se acerca lenta y peligrosamente a la isla Gyojin, la batalla entre Luffy y Hody se vuelve más salvaje en la cubierta del arca. En la isla, la banda de Sombrero de Paja lanza su último ataque contra los comandantes de Hody para poner así fin a esta contienda.
O bando do Chapéu de Palha enfim demonstra seu verdadeiro poder e parte em investida contra os Novos Piratas Homens-Peixe. Enquanto isso, Hody, com incomensurável poder graças ao Esteróide de Energia, e um Luffy gravemente ferido se enfrentam na batalha final!
أظهر طاقم قبّعة القشّ قوّتهم الحقيقيّة أخيرًا وهم يحاولون اكتساح قراصنة البرمائيّين الجدد. في نفس الأثناء، هودي الّذي استمدّ قوّةً لا حصر لها من منشّطات الطّاقة، ولوفي الّذي تكبّد جراحًا بالغة، يتصارعان في معركة نهائيّة!