Der Kampf um Enies Lobby ist in vollem Gange. Ruffy kämpft auf dem Dach des Gerichtsgebäudes gegen Bruno, während seine Freunde in verschiedenen Gruppen versuchen, ihn einzuholen. Die Strohhutpiraten und die Familie Frankie sitzen in der Falle. Die Marinesoldaten haben es geschafft, den Kingbull auf dem sie sitzen, in Ketten zu legen. Die Riesen Oimo und Karsee haben die Seite gewechselt, nachdem sie von Sogeking erfahren haben, dass die Weltregierung sie reingelegt hat. Den Jungs von der Galeera kommt ihre Hilfe wie gerufen.
Kokoro and her granddaughter Chimeney contact the Straw Hats by means of Nami's portable transponder snail phone. They inform them of Luffy's location and instruct them on how to lower the courthouse's drawbridge. The Franky Family decides to lower it. Just then, the second of Enies Lobby's elite units enters the battle. One of the Guilty Jurymen throws his massive iron ball at Gomorrah, knocking him down. Behind them, Sogeking is riding to the courthouse on the shoulders of one of the giants with whom he has managed to ally. Gomorrah, arising again despite severe injury, tells those riding him to hold on as he plans to take them to their destination. Inside the Tower of Justice, Kaku and Kalifa hesitatingly eat the devil fruits that Spandam has given them.
Pendant que Luffy continue son combat contre Blueno, les compagnons géants de Sniperking font sentir leur présence, et les assassins du CP9 expérimentent des fruits du démon.
Kokoro contatta Nami con il lumacofono. La Franky Family decide di occuparsi dell'abbassamento del ponte per far sì che i Cappello di Paglia possano raggiungere la torre di giustizia. Mentre Sogeking si fa strada grazie ai giganti, Gomorra continua faticosamente a trasportare gli altri. Spandam dona a Kaku e Califa due frutti del diavolo.
Los gigantes de alían con Sogeking y ayudan al resto a llegar hasta el Palacio Judicial, donde deberán bajar el puente que conecta con la Torre de la Justicia. En ella, Spandam entrega a Kaku y Califa una Fruta del Diablo a cada uno como recompensa por sus servicios. Fuera, Luffy continua su batalla contra Blueno.
Enquanto Luffy confronta Blueno, os amigos gigantes de Sogeking mostram sua força e assassinos da CP9 ingerem Frutos do Diabo!
Kokoro contata os Chapéus de Palha, por meio de um Den Den Mushi BêBê de Nami. A família de Franky decide baixar a ponte interna, para que os outros possam entrar no tribunal primeiro. Depois Gomorra desmaiou, Sogeking chega com os gigantes. Pouco depois, Gomorra levanta novamente e diz que ele aguenta continuar, e ele planeja levá-los ao tribunal. No interior, Spandam dá a Kaku e Kalifa duas Akuma no Mi, enquanto Luffy e Blueno continuam lutando.
مع استمرار لوفي بقتاله مع بلونو، يكشف رفيقا سوغيكينغ العملاقان عن وجودهما، ويجرّب عضوا سي بي 9 فاكهة الشيطان!