After leaving their failed carnival behind, fate puts the party on a path to an even grander circus...
The final night of the Witchlight Carnival begins! But can they even get inside???
The final night of the Witchlight Carnival is in full swing, and the krew encounters their greatest contest yet...
In their quest to visit EVERY. SINGLE. ATTRACTION. the party returns to the corn maze...
It's finally time for the Big Top Extravaganza!
The krew meets a former coworker
Torbek goes on a date while the rest of the gang gets new tickets...
The krew goes snail racing...
An old party member returns...
Their only lead proves to be difficult to track down...
The party finally begins to uncover the mysterious deal made by the carnival's owners...
The gang's first dark ride takes an even darker turn...
Fey curses send the party even further off the rails...
Gideon recovers from his pug incident, and the drag show commences...
The pixie weddings don't go as planned...
The Witchlight Monarch is finally crowned...
Finally in the Feywild, the party begins to search for Hootsie...
At the slanty tower, the party finds an unusual welcoming party...
A much needed respite is broken by yet another threat...
The party unwinds after their harrowing encounter...
The party embarks on yet another rescue mission before moving the plot forward...
The party's reunion with the rabbitfolk takes a violent turn...
The aftermath at the Brigand's Tollway reveals their path forward...
The party enters the bullywug city of Downfall and begins to plan their next steps.
The fire at the balloon factory burns out of control...
After putting out the magical coals, the party uncovers a macabre scene...
The gang finally meets with the King of the Downfall...
Somehow, Chuckles has returned...
SHOPPING ING! With a hint of unicorns
The party puts on a show to redeem a friend...
A cook off finds out how to be magical!
Gideon gets baited into a fight...
A encounter with an incredible force...
This is the final episode of Once Upon a Witchlight before our hiatus! More episodes return this fall! In the meantime check our others campaigns!