As I look at the typo on this episode number on this...the TWELFTH episode of ONCE UPON A TIME IN MINNEAPOLIS I feel empathy. EVERYBODY MAKES MISTAKES. Right now in Prince Rogers Nelson's career he is getting ready to make a landmark mistake. Its not as if Prince had not made mistakes in the past. Critics destroyed Under the Cherry Moon. Fans of Purple Rain did not understand UTCM for the most part. Fans were mixed on Around the world in a day and the parade albums. Sign O the Times was brilliant, while sales were far from PR levels. Lovesexy was confusing to most as well. It seemed that Prince's hardcore fans and some holdovers from the salad days were left in the Minneapolis Genius' corner. BATMAN changed everything. Hanging with Batman heightened Prince's public awareness to PR levels. Warner Bros spent unholy amounts of money on Batman and Prince benefitted. Prince was the hero again.