The Revolution want their flowers. After supporting the Purple Rain tour and major contributions on Around the World in a day and Parade its time. SO while their leader Prince is stepping off of his greatest moment into a promising career as the alpha rock star, the Revolution is getting into its side project hustle. Prince may be looking into directing. Everyone in the Prince camp has their eyes wide in this moment. Purple Rain has seemingly made everything possible. No one more so than Mark Brown (BrownMark). BrownMark has been guiding his funk rock band Mazarati for around 4 years. He's also checking in with Motown founder Berry Gordy. Berry Gordy has already impacted the Prince camp by stealing away Vanity from Purple Rain. While The Last Dragon is still banging, Prince does not forget people who have blocked the princely way. Wendy and Lisa are being utilized at high levels but you can't eat studio time. Wendy, Lisa, Bobby and Fink want some #PaperPrince (Alex voice).