After 4 albums and only 1 major hit single in I wanna Be your Lover Young Purple has placed himself at the center of the pop world. His presence there however is tenuous. He's faced major high's and lows in his young career. It's 1982 and Prince wants to be a pop star. good thing because the record company needs a hit to start believing that Prince is more than a critical darling. Prince is seeking out inspiration in all the places. What happens when Prince and the Revolution stop at a Hotel with a flashing "FREE HBO" sign. The answer is funky...its funky...YOU NEED IT. With a stable of artists ready to claim their respective clout, you have to wonder how he's holding them together. Der Dickerson is asked to play lead guitar on one of Prince's biggest and groundbreaking hits Little red Corvette. You know Prince though right? You knew dude wasn't going to make it easy.