Andhakasur also seeks out Prahlad and a fierce combat ensues between them. Prahlad emerges victorious, yet hands over the kingdom to Andhakasur, who now conquers the heavens too.
While Lord Shiva is busy in religious fasting, Andhakasur sets his sight on the attractive Parvati. A fight ensues between the Lord's warriors and demons. Shukracharya aids Andhakasur and this enrages Shiva, who unleashes his fury on both Shukracharya and Andhakasur.
EPISODE 84 This episode is a recap of the preceding episodes, therefore not included in this DVD,
Both Parvati and Narad are moved by the pathetic plight of Mandrachal. While Shiva is helping Mandrachal, a thick dense smoke emanates that darkens Parvati's complexion. Meanwhile, Indra is also worried about the penance undertaken by Shumbh Nishumbh and he approaches Vishnu.
Parvati is disturbed by her dark complexion & complains to Shiva. A virgin can only kill Boon & Blesses by given Brahma to Shumbh Nishumbh. Boon delights Shumbh Nishmubh and angers the Gods. Shiva reasons dark complexion to Parvati and Shumbh-Nishumbh occupy heaven.
Gods refused by Brahma to their appeal against the occupation of heaven by Shumbh-Nishumbh plan to approach Lord Shiva. But deterred by Narad, go to Lord Vishnu who assures help and asks Gods to incognito. Parvati worships Brahma. Shumbh Nishumbh searches Gods and Narad requests Shiva to pacify Parvati.