Nyarlko & Co. besuchen die Bücherei von Seraeno, wo es bald hoch her geht…
Auch Tentakelmonster lesen übrigens gerne Bücher.
The Celaeno Library in the Pleiades star cluster is home to the largest book collection in the universe. It's said that even variants of Yiu-th only handed out at events can be found there. Mahiro is dragged along for some reason as Nyarko goes there to return a book. Hasuta, a former worker at the library, does his best to show Mahiro around, but they soon encounter two evil deities who have infiltrated the library...
냐루코에 의해 강제로 끌려온 세라에노 도서관. 그 넓은 도서관에서 또다시 투닥대는 마히로와 냐루코 쿠우코, 그리고 옛 사서 출신 하스타. 그런데 무슨 일인지 세라에노 도서대가 완전무장한 상태로 어딘가로 출동하고...
El grupo viaja a la Biblioteca Celaeno para volver overdo libro de la biblioteca de Nyaruko. Si bien no se encuentran con ladrones que están buscando algo. Les entrar en combate y se golpearon profundamente hasta que lleguen los refuerzos, lo que obligó a los ladrones a retirarse. En dirección a la Isla de las Estrellas, el grupo se prepara para una revancha.