Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard interview (the horsemen discuss the Luger situation) The Sheepherders vs. The Rock n Roll Express The Garvin’s & Michael Hayes w/ Precious interview Dusty Rhodes interview (Dusty says his career isn’t over) Sting vs. Gene Miller Lex Luger interview (Luger fires back at the Horsemen, clips of him helping the mighty Wilbur) Steve Williams vs. Keith Steinborn Williams post match interview Ric Flair interview (Flair tells Luger to choose his path wisely) Larry Zbysko vs. Ed Franks Zbysko w/ Baby Doll interview (he challenges Dusty Rhodes, says he’s got a file on Dusty bigger than the IRS) Nikita Koloff vs. Mike Rotunda (Kevin Sullivan is at Rotunda’s side…they both attack Koloff at the end of the match, cementing Rotunda‘s heel turn)