Tim Storm vs Peter Avalon NWA 70 October 21st 2018
Saul Rinauro vs PJ Hawkmoor vs Colby Corino TV Title #1 Contenders Match
Nick Aldis vs Ricky Morton NWA Worlds Heavyweight Title Match NWA Powerrr January 21st, 2020
Eli Drake vs Ken Anderson NWA Powerrr December 17th, 2019
Allysin Kay & ODB vs Melinda & Marti Belle NWA Into The Fire December 14th, 2019
Aron Stevens & Kratos vs Eli Drake & James Storm NWA Shockwave December 22nd, 2020
Cyon vs Mims NWA Powerrr June 22nd, 2021
La Rebelion vs The End vs Sal Rinauro & Rudo vs Marshe Rockett & Slice Boogie NWA When Our Shadows Fall June 6th, 2021
Chris Adonis vs JTG NWA National Heavyweight Championship Match NWA Powerrr July 6th, 2021
Mongrovian Karate Demonstration NWA Powerrr January 21st, 2020